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Second Chances

Posted By: Randy GageJune 22, 2016

You messed up. So what? Everyone messes up. Everyone.

Anyone who tells you that they have always done the right thing is a liar.

But as an enlightened person your job is to keep moving forward. Forgive yourself and resolve to do better next time.

Odds are, the person you mistreated will cross your path again, and you will have a chance to make things right.  Or if not, you will find another way, to pay it forward with someone else.

And remember the person that you feel you disappointed the most – yourself – will always be there for you to make things right.  That's the first job of forgiveness, and the first step towards enlightenment.


14 comments on “Second Chances”

  1. Divine timing!  I am in the throws of reviving and manifesting divine restoration in our business.  Forgiving myself for marketing mishaps is one of the hardest because you affect a lot of people.  Manifesting abundance and prosperity in our business if it is for the highest good.

  2. I see this 'forgiveness' concept arising on so many people's blogs about mindfulness. But Randy, Stephen and whoever else are simply manifestations of Being. None arise in isolation. Buddhists refer to causes and conditions, claiming that we never know for sure what chain of events causes people to 'mess up'. It's too complex even in the here and now, let alone when history and the future are invoked.
    When you're fully identified with being then you can play the game of Randy, or Stephen, or whatever name you are known by. You can even play the games of forgiveness of self, or others . . . and space/time. But ultimately that's all it is, an illusion, because our true self, the one who hears and sees without comment and moves without sound, is beyond all of that. Living out of this awareness, for me, is the true meaning of enlightenment. 😉

  3. When I feel I need forgiveness, I go to a Catholic priest and confessed my sins.  After he has finished groping me, he tells me to do 10 Our Fathers and 5 Hail Marys.

  4. Stephen_Bray Holy shit, this was so esoterical, I had an acid trip flashback just reading it.

  5. Conscious and advanced person always knows what is good or bad,before every temptation,that kind of person knows exactly what to do,to circumvent temptation and enjoy in the beauty of Creation from which itself is part of...But sometimes such a person makes a conscious and deliberate sin and then suffer silently inside and wants to return to the moment before realizing temptation...It's a learning experience

  6. Tony Robbins is maybe the  master of human behavior. Bob Proctor is maybe the master of thinking. But nobody can empower and encourage people better than you do. Nobody.

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  • 14 comments on “Second Chances”

    1. Divine timing!  I am in the throws of reviving and manifesting divine restoration in our business.  Forgiving myself for marketing mishaps is one of the hardest because you affect a lot of people.  Manifesting abundance and prosperity in our business if it is for the highest good.

    2. I see this 'forgiveness' concept arising on so many people's blogs about mindfulness. But Randy, Stephen and whoever else are simply manifestations of Being. None arise in isolation. Buddhists refer to causes and conditions, claiming that we never know for sure what chain of events causes people to 'mess up'. It's too complex even in the here and now, let alone when history and the future are invoked.
      When you're fully identified with being then you can play the game of Randy, or Stephen, or whatever name you are known by. You can even play the games of forgiveness of self, or others . . . and space/time. But ultimately that's all it is, an illusion, because our true self, the one who hears and sees without comment and moves without sound, is beyond all of that. Living out of this awareness, for me, is the true meaning of enlightenment. 😉

    3. When I feel I need forgiveness, I go to a Catholic priest and confessed my sins.  After he has finished groping me, he tells me to do 10 Our Fathers and 5 Hail Marys.

    4. Stephen_Bray Holy shit, this was so esoterical, I had an acid trip flashback just reading it.

    5. Conscious and advanced person always knows what is good or bad,before every temptation,that kind of person knows exactly what to do,to circumvent temptation and enjoy in the beauty of Creation from which itself is part of...But sometimes such a person makes a conscious and deliberate sin and then suffer silently inside and wants to return to the moment before realizing temptation...It's a learning experience

    6. Tony Robbins is maybe the  master of human behavior. Bob Proctor is maybe the master of thinking. But nobody can empower and encourage people better than you do. Nobody.

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