Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that examines the nature of reality, in particular, the relationship between mind and matter. Let’s explore how that relationship works in terms of your prosperity consciousness.
People often ask me if I really believe that everyone in the world can be wealthy. As a matter of fact, I do.
Now understand that each person will only manifest their prosperity to the degree that they understand the consciousness that provides it. And there are a lot of confused people in the world right now.
Emmet Fox said, “…the thing you see in the outer is the precipitation on the physical plane of a mental equivalent held by one or more people. The secret of successful living is to build up the mental equivalent that you want, and to get rid of, to expunge, the mental equivalent that you do not want.”
So what does all this mean?
Quite simply, your prosperity already exists as an ideal in your mind, on the Super-conscious level. Metaphysically speaking, this means that you already have the fulfillment of your prosperity – otherwise you could not have desired it in the first place!
Thank you, Randy. And one questiobn re this moment:
" get rid of, to expunge, the mental equivalent that you do not want.”
How do you suggest to get rid of that? Just by changing, I mean , reminding yourself of an opposite thought|attitude, working with affrimations? Thank you, and have a beautiful day!
Hi Rishkin - there are a variety of ways to do this, but primarily it comes down to intent. From a metaphysical standpoint 'lack' does not exist. It is your acceptance of it that 'gives it life'. So, to answer your question you can try these approaches:
1 - Abraham teaches the 'flip': catch yourself thinking the negative and flip it to the positive.
2- NLP teaches that you are always in control and repeated actions will create and reinforce your belief, so the change may feel hard at the start but it will get easier.
3 - The University of Metaphysics teaches that through meditation you will access the higher consciousness and raise your vibration. This will help "expunge, the mental equivalent that you do not want."
Great advice Chris. And to REALLY begin the change, you can try istening to/reading "Getting Into The Vortex~Guided Meditation" ~Abraham/Hicks. Brings together the positive thoughts AND the tool of meditation
Linda, thank you! I'll look through everything that Chris and you suggested/ Have a great day!
Thank you, Chris! I think I needed some "reinforcement"^))) I do things, and then start thinking if I'm doing them right))) Or start looking for something else when current methods are not working. I appreciate your advice.
That is a great reply Chris.
Rishkin, check out the book by the Hicks - Ask and it is given.
have fun with it!
Great take on it Randy. Very apt and true.
Describe your perfect day by reading it aloud every morning, visualize your ideal partner, feel your victory, taste it right now ... How ridiculously simple, but ..... how much "but" in the middle.
I think, therefore I am!
A morphic field is a pervasive reality created by thoughts, beliefs and behaviors repeated so often they become permanently fixed in a context. Downtown Detroit has a morphic field. So does Rodeo Drive. And Somalia. So So does every business, church, school, etc. Did I mention every one of us?
Some of these morphic fields have been reinforced for generations which is why ancient texts say that the 'sins of the father will be visited upon (taken up by) their children.' Morphic fields are very hard to break...but it can be done, I've seen it.
However, I believe we need to recognize that it is not merely a matter of one's consciousness. If we took someone with a high level of enlightenment and stuck them in the Somali desert with only a tattered T-shirt and pair of shorts and gave them the assignment to become rich, how long might that take? That morphic crust is almost impenetrable by the possibilities the Universe has to offer.
If you were 7foot8 maybe an NBA scout would hear about you on YouTube, but other than that it's a tough gig.
What I'm leading to is that we need to help each other become rich. If one is trapped under the rubble of a world gone wrong (our Somali example) it is usually easier to break through the crust from the outside. That's where Lynne McTaggert's and Dr. Bill Tiller's intention experiments are producing such amazing results: changing morphic fields from the outside. Personally I call it my "Free The Chickens!" campaign; helping set people free from those cages because they can't reach the locks from where they are.
Hey Ian,
Your post is very interesting, I do feel that trapped feeling too, so would like to know more about the intention experiments, where could I get to know about it?
Thanks for your sharing.
Appreciate your curiosity Revati. For Lynne's work go to She has a world-wide intention experiment to eliminate terrorism and bring peace going on right now. And Dr. Bill Tiller's website is Tiller is scary smart and I don't think his most advanced work on 'broadcasting intention' is described on the site. You'll find a LOT of mind-stretching stuff there though. Explore!
Hey Ian, Its me again, wow the websites are packed with mind blowing info. like you said, and it will take me a while just to go through it all, and absorb the contents!
Thanks so much for the info.
I look fwd. to Randy's posts along with my family, now here's smthg more to add to it!Lovely:)
"The secret of successful living is to build up the mental equivalent that you want, and to get rid of, to expunge, the mental equivalent that you do not want.”
This paints the following picture to me:
I am in my house, of course, but just sitting or standing in the wrong room! i want to be in another room but i simply don´t go there - although it´s already mine.
Thanks for that mental challenge, Randy!!!
- enjoy your day.
Absolutely Agree , Randy
Anyone have everythink he need inside for prosper , just need to learn how to use
Hi Randy
I do not understand metaphysics but am stepping out of the boat with a pioneering spirit and just do it. (long overdue.....)Am enjoying your Duplication Nation theorectically first.Thanks again.
Very inspiring, Randy. Thank you!
Hey Randy,
Well said. Understanding the nature of reality is something that should be taught in school.
Shiver me tibrems, them's some great information.
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Ok, now let´s convert it into the real world!
Linda Ryan Thanks for sharing with us Getting Into The Vortex Guided Meditation. Abraham/Hicks.
In other words, focus on what we want instead on what we do NOT want