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2 Cray-Cray Money Beliefs Keeping You Broke

Posted By: Randy GageOctober 1, 2024

If two opposite things are both false, where do you find the truth?

Hopefully you've missed me as much as I have you. Because last weekend as I was conducting the Alchemy event in Guadalajara, Mexico, it reminded me of how much I enjoy interacting with you guys on this blog. Thus, the catalyst for this note.

Which takes us back to the dilemma above - one that many people face as they work to become wealthy and successful. An important part of this process involves recognizing and eliminating limiting beliefs they hold about money and success - and replacing them with empowering beliefs. A conundrum arises because there are two conflicting mind viruses circling the world.

And both are built on a bad premise.

The two memes are:

  1. Money isn't required for prosperity.
  2. If you amass enough money, you can buy your way to happiness

Allowing yourself to be influenced by either of these bad premises is destructive to your health, happiness, and prosperity. Let's double-click on them.

The meme that money isn't required for prosperity is damaging because it causes you to climb the wrong mountain. Any premise grounded on the foundation that monev is not necessarv for a prosperous life is preposterous. 

Yet this theory is still frequently disseminated by many authors, seminar leaders, and would be spiritual gurus.  They make inane statements like, “We were poor but there was so much love in our home we didn’t know it,” or, “I may not have any money, but I have my health and great relationships.”   They probably mean well but their ignorance is harmful to themselves and those who follow them. 

Because the belief that money isn’t integral to prosperity is basically a recipe for a limiting vision and is a gateway drug to a life of self-sabotage. (Where you are subsisting on the emotional payoff of living in victimhood.)  

Let’s be very, very clear…

If you don’t know where you’re going to find the rent money, can’t afford proper medical care, or your kids can’t play outside safely – you’re not even in the solar system of the abundant life that should be your birthright.

Now let’s explore bad premise number two, the idea that money will solve all your problems. Not. A. Chance.  Money can solve your money problems. (But only once you’ve learned how the money game is played.)  Money won’t solve your addiction problem, dependency concerns, or insecurity issues.  And a convincing case that money will likely make these situations worse. (Not that I would know anything about any of that of course! )

What I shared with the audience in Mexico is that if you subscribe to either of these beliefs, you are insulating yourself from the mindset you’re going to need for a breakthrough.  Because of two other premises I’ll share which I believe are valid ones:

  • True prosperity is holistic, an intoxicating mélange of four major quadrants of living.
  • Money and material things are an integral part of that mélange.

The four quadrants of a prosperous life are:

  • Wellness
  • Resources
  • Spiritual Sustenance
  • Significance

I’ll have more to say on these in a follow up post.  Spoiler Alert: Money and material things are an essential part of the Resources quadrant.  In the meantime, please check in the comments section below with your thoughts.


- RG


19 comments on “2 Cray-Cray Money Beliefs Keeping You Broke”

  1. Awesome post, RG! Of course, I repeat's just been a while since your last one! Great to have you (and your wisdom) back in the blogosphere!

  2. Great to hear from you Randy! I feel a sense of hope with this new wave of blogs you have decided to put out. Really excited to hear from you in this turbulent time period!

  3. Randy, I've never forgotten a seminar you had in Hawaii. I travelled there from WA State and you kept us up all night teaching and preaching prosperity. Great times long ago and now this. I have valued your advice "forever"-I'm 84 and "young" because of some of your wholesome advice over the years.

  4. Thanks for coming back. Your missives have a different way of looking at the same situation which makes one think! Thanks for “shaking the tree”.

  5. I am looking forward to further description of the defined quadrants. They are really intertwined. It seems that wellness is also among the resources. There is a saying, "He who has health has hope; and who has hope has everything". Prosperity with its material components will follow a person who has health and is in supportive relationships on the way towards goals.

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  • 19 comments on “2 Cray-Cray Money Beliefs Keeping You Broke”

    1. Awesome post, RG! Of course, I repeat's just been a while since your last one! Great to have you (and your wisdom) back in the blogosphere!

    2. Great to hear from you Randy! I feel a sense of hope with this new wave of blogs you have decided to put out. Really excited to hear from you in this turbulent time period!

    3. Randy, I've never forgotten a seminar you had in Hawaii. I travelled there from WA State and you kept us up all night teaching and preaching prosperity. Great times long ago and now this. I have valued your advice "forever"-I'm 84 and "young" because of some of your wholesome advice over the years.

    4. Thanks for coming back. Your missives have a different way of looking at the same situation which makes one think! Thanks for “shaking the tree”.

    5. I am looking forward to further description of the defined quadrants. They are really intertwined. It seems that wellness is also among the resources. There is a saying, "He who has health has hope; and who has hope has everything". Prosperity with its material components will follow a person who has health and is in supportive relationships on the way towards goals.

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