Kayla raised an interesting question on my Facebook page about how we can manifest something really bad, when we think we’re trying to do something good. (BTW, you should go over there and click "like" so my mother thinks I'm popular!)
We’ve talked frequently about “memes” or mind viruses, and how they cause you to act in certain ways. And it’s a fascinating subject when you look at the other issue we discussed: epigenetics and how our own cells change in relation to the environment around them.
Here’s the really scary reality I was thinking about as I’m planning the February virtual prosperity seminar…
For the first time in human history – we evolve more from the selection of adaptive ideas than biological hereditary traits. Meaning, we do more because of mind viruses than DNA.
With mind viruses you can be programmed to act against your own highest good. You do things that are destructive to yourself and others. You can even be programmed against you own survival, overriding your DNA.
Watch enough reality shows on TV and the lack of respect for other humans actually undermines your own self-respect. Throw in the programming from government, organized religion, and other elements of the data sphere and you get infected with meme complexes: mutually supporting memes that manipulate you like a puppet. They form your core belief system.
If you haven’t read my book, “Why You're Dumb Sick & Broke...And How to Get Smart, Healthy & Rich!” you will find it quite helpful in recognizing the memes you may be infected with.
The reality is it never has been more important to safeguard the programming you are exposed to, and counter program your subconscious mind with prosperity and positive sources.
I think it has to be done daily, and the best time is in the morning. That sets your consciousness for the day and starts you out on a path of good intention. So how you doing on this?
A really important area (which I work in) in health. So many hand responsibility for their health over to the medical field and the massive pharmacon. They cannot even think for themselves or trust themselves regarding something as precious as their own wellbeing. It's particularly prevalent amongst those aged 60+ who have grown up thinking that doctors/priests/banks/politicians are Gods.
I think the pharmacon is on of the biggest mind viruses on the planet (and the insurance industry jumps on that bandwagon too by instilling fear into people about their health/families/homes/jobs etc)
I would certainly agree with that.
Elly ... I couldn't agree more. I switched to Alternative medicine 20+ years ago. All my family and friends are popping pills and I just take my supplements. They say I'm lucky. Let me laugh out loud. I still may have many mind-virus demons to battle, but health is not one of them. The sad part is that the pharmaceutical companies (and doctors) don't want us well OR dead ... just sick so we can take their drugs. If I were hit by a car I would certainly want a doctor around, but when it comes to basic health, I won't do their drugs when there are alternatives.
Many years ago, Zig Ziglar tried to drill into me the importance of controlling what goes into my mind. But, only in more recent years have I come to fully understand just how vigilent we must be to keep out the many messages, from so many sources, that are so harmful to meeting the potential with which we are blessed.
Thank you for yet another reminder to tune-up my barriers to mental pollution.
Great to see you stopping by here!
I sooooo agree and felt this way since I was a kid...but didn't call it mind virus or memes...but love the name now too.
I think we should create more videos that validate our values, beliefs and goals. I have a long written beliefs statement...sometimes I re-read that.
During the day I use a seasonal visualization meditation focusing on good things in each season. Doing the master key system right now is a weekly reminder...
and thinking the online seminar you are offering would be a great monthly reminder for the whole year!
I totally & ABSOLUTELY AGREE with you, Randy! First things first: MINDSET is number ONE for me, even before FITNESS & WELLNESS, which is my area. Why? Because you can literally THINK yourself HAPPY, PRODUCTIVE, HEALTHY, FIT, FULFILLED, LOVABLE & RICH, like you are teaching us!
Nothing sets the tone of my day better than reading your awesome, inspirational & empowering material every morning.
NO EXCUSES & THANK YOU AGAIN, Randy, for just BEING here with us, on earth, with your best enlightened & super-developed qualities; leading us into the life WE CAN HAVE, by:
1. Acquiring the right mindset, always guarded against mind viruses.
2. Taking the right actions, through the power of discipline & natural flow from #1 (right mindset).
3. Having what we want: love, life & business! As a result of #1+#2...
Would you agree?
And, like I always tweet, BE CAREFUL of what your mind absorbs, just as much as your BODY: be selective with IDEAS as much as CALORIES.
Be wary of your thoughts- are they empowering or self-destructive- as much as you are with your foods- is it nutritious & good for me or not-, since this will definitely determine our RESULTS, in life, business & love!
Love & awesome appreciation to Randy,
"be selective with IDEAS as much as CALORIES" I like that.
I Spend 1-2 Hours In Self Development Daily. In addition, before I retire at night I read and listen to something inspirational.
You can call it mind virus or limiting beliefs either way they are the ones at the helm stirring the ship!
I personally think it's easier now to become aware of new ones that we may be exposed to as opposed to the ones already in place.
The ones set from childhood are the ones you need to go after and expose they have to be brought to light in order to release so, in the meantime they can cause all of the negative stuff that appears in our life.
Being raised by an alcoholic parent set the scene for all kinds of viruses that I've carried with me, I've had to dig deep to shed light on those memories often painful but non the less worth the while to achieve the light at the end of the tunnel.
One thing I always have as part of my personality is being persistent! If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.
Excellent article.
In my early 20's I met Bob Proctor (my sister used to work for him). His comment to me that stuck for all these years was,
"Somebody has been lying to you all your life."
He left it at that and I've been wondering about that statement. I know I can't take it literally in the sense that the lies were deliberate but that the lies were just mind viruses that I bought into.
Then he proceeded to give me a bunch of his cassette programs free of charge. This was my first eye opening to a different way of thinking leading to a different way of life. Although, I didn't understand back then it always stuck in the back of my mind ready to come forward when I decided I was ready to move on to the next stage in my evolution.
“Somebody has been lying to you all your life.”
🙂 Indeed. Love this!
A couple of points:
How one starts their day sets the tone for the day. Most people wake up "alarmed" and stay that way all day. Most people "rush" around in the morning and rushing is a form of fear. I choose to start my day in prayer and mediation. It is the most profitable, prosperous thing I do for all areas of my life.
I resisted reading Randy's book, "Why You're Dumb, Sick and Broke," because I am not any of those things. I finally ordered it and I am studying (not just reading it)it right now. This book is very powerful and I believe it is required reading for anyone on a path of personal growth and achievement.
Very true Joe! I just got done "reading" it. I start studying it tonight!!
Agree as well (Randy's book)
Honestly, I am not sure if any science fully grasps memetics enough along with the science of genetics to put it together the way you do.
We do more from mind viruses than DNA. Are you quite sure about that?
Anyway, the only way to deal with memes is to figure out which ones don't serve you, as you would say. And you are right again, you have to use critical thinking. And positive thinking to get rid of negative memes.
Remember not all memes are created equal. Some memes are positive. Really. You always give memes such a bad name, and yet you go around infecting everyone with the ones you like.
Am I sure about that? Absolutely.
Okay, I am convinced. However, Memes are far more changeable than DNA. That does not mean that DNA isn't changeable. Here is the deal Memes is kind of fuzzy science. It doesn't mean it isn't true, I think most social science is kind of fuzzy, because you are dealing with human behavior.
Some memes can be harmful just like some genes. However, memes are much more mutable, they are the result of story, cultural beliefs, and ideas. They can change quickly or slowly.
I think they have been around forever, and yes some are helpful some are harmful. For instance, I think the meme that there is no global warming is harmful, in fact, it might turn out to be one of the most harmful.
I think, and I just mentioned that there are some memes that may interfere with DNA programming or gene programming or whatever, but if you think about it that has been true for all time as well. So don't be too scared.
Also, thankfully there are people that plant ppositive memes, in fact probably everyone does at some point. I have faith in the positivity of people and our ability to think critically and debunk bad memes. For instance, you did a great job of debunking some harmful memes in your book DS&B. Yeah you! Some of your other memes, I am not so crazy about, and I think they are harmful (ahem).
How about those Egyptian citizens. I keep waiting for you to say something! There is some groundbreaking meme busting going on. Go Egyptian citizens. They are tired of being Dumb, Sick, and Broke. Vive la Revolution!
And you are right, lets have our own revolutions against memes we have that harm us.
I just recently reilized how much negative programming I have! I always thought that I'm a positive person. I remember achieving big goals in my life using positive affirmations. And suddenly I stopped doing that. I thought "ok, I can start again any time. I know HOW to do that. I just need a goal. I couldn't set up any goals because nothing made me happy. Deep inside I was afraid to be happy, I didbn't think I deserved it. After many years I started doing it again- reclaiming my self-worthiness and positive attitude. Universe sent me your books, helpful products. I have been working on positive thinking again, this time starting with self-esteem. I can physically feel the energy going from my heart to my head and toes, can you believe that?
I also became more conscious. I can see how many negative thoughts, expectations I let into my mind! It's definitely can be called a virus. I got so used to it, that I thought IT WAS NORMAL!!! I didn't notice it before. Now that I use your programs and read your blog, I feel it all. I see it. I'm getting rid of these viruses by taking care of my self-wrthiness issues.
People live in pettiness and are poor because they are so used to being ill, because living with mind viruses looks like 'normal life'. But once you step out of your system and try a new world of graceful, happy, healthy life, you can see the DIFFERENCE. You feel it, and never want to go back! So start with your worthiness. Show love and respect to yourself, to other people and to the world around you. It will hep you to get rid of mind viruses (including the "poverty virus"). Good luck to you all! Thank you, Randy. And many big thanks to your team, to people who help YOU to help US, by taking care of your website, books, programs, conferences, etc. You rock, guys!
Ooops, sorry for typos and grammar))) It takes me time to finish even one sentence, as I'm busy answering my phone, answering questions at my desk, etc. Anyway, I'm glad to be here!
Hey Randy,
I start my day with reading my short
and long term goals aloud at least 3
times, than I move on to Yoga.
After sports or some reading I move
on to breakfast. This helps me to
sustain GREAT focus during the day
and especially when it comes to
dealing with clients, seo projects.
Complete fitness is simply everything,
and without I don´t think you can
succeed for the long-term.
My best wishes,
I think there is no good and bad - only what I want and like and what I don´t like to have in my life.
Think of eating the best cake of your life and millions of bacterias in you body have to die.
You meet the love of your life and your shoes murder ants and beetles or something with every step.
Your skin is killing millions of living beings every minute to help you staying alive.
So what is good and what is bad?
To eat no meat - but your vegetables is still alive when you eat it - it´s just not able to cry.
So I think of what I want to have in my life and every morning and every evening I bring my mind back on the track and so - wow - I love my life like it is!
I am always referring to sit-coms and other TV shows as wastes of time or "junk food for the mind". After you start noticing how lame they are you find your tolerance for them no longer exists. Same with negative people. I have to get up and relocate if we are at a party or some other event when someone starts to spout. It is all a process of awareness. thanks for your inspiration, always "food for thought". ...oh and little Buckeye says "hey"!
Hi Jean
I sure know what you mean about the lack of tolerance for the lame programs on TV. When people talk to me about TV and I tell them I don't watch it, they really don't get it. They think that it means I don't watch very much. But I really don't watch any programs at all. I might turn on the TV for a few minutes during a federal election or a September 11 type event, but that's really it! I also notice gossiping and mindless conversation in a snap. Usually I walk away. I just can't deal with that kind of drivel. If I'm in a situation where I'm required to stay I find that some good reading and quiet thinking gets me grounded again.
Hi Carmen
You are right about the reading etc. Everyday it is necessary! 🙂
"For the first time in human history – we evolve more from the selection of adaptive ideas..."
Randy, I agree wholeheartedly, and the key word is SELECTION. Until fairly recently, people couldn't control which ideas they exposed to. Some overriding authority -- parents, teachers, religion, or government -- told people what to think, and they simply didn't have access to alternative ideas.
That began to change a few centuries ago with the invention of the movable-type printing press, and it's recently gone into hyper-drive with the development of the Internet! Critical thinkers have never before had such a smörgåsbord of ideas easily available to them.
But having a wide choice of ideas doesn't do a person any good unless they have an open mind, and they choose their ideas wisely. As you said, "selection"....
Just picked up The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy.. can't wait to read all of it... just read one tiny sentence.. you're meant to be rich, healthy and vibrant.. just a simple, short sentence, but REALLY think about it... goes to show how deep our negative programming is... you read it and you can almost feel your mind automatically rejecting it as not true... but NO MORE!!! I'm going to say it to myself a 100 times a day, and feel the energy!!!
This book is a classic and one of the most powerful, useful books everr written. Apply the concepts and your life will chnage. Enjoy
I just finished reading it, and plan to read again, the concepts were amazing and powerful!
People have started to realize they are surrounded by a very intense control system. And if you are a few million, how do you control 7 billion? Mind control. Programming. Fear mongering. Negativity. Health attacks. Disinformation. Lies. Deceit. The list goes on.
And the ultimate illusion is that you have to participate in it, which you don't, and that's the key out of it! Rejection is God's protection!
Perhaps it doesn't happen overnight. It took me a good three years to find the right keys and get the hell out of the door, but the door is there, and no one can really force you to do anything. You only do it to yourself.
This is your life. This is also 2011, a very unique year. The gateway of Truth. God starts all over again. So can you. That is why everything can and will happen this year.
How about checking your "new" Zodiac sign? This is a good example of how things have been hidden from you, but are still out in the open if you know where to look. It doesn’t mean that the sun sign you’ve been identifying with all this time isn't valid. It is. You are still affected by the astrology chart the way you know it. It is your reality. And will continue to be while you learn about the new 13 sign horoscope.
The 13th sign, Ophiuchus, has been kept hidden for millennia, and news of its existence also forecasts that many more truths will be brought to light this year.
Is it a coincidence that, as the world was focusing on the 13th sign - the literal symbol of western medicine and direct current connection to Ophiuchus - was removed from Wikipedia? Symbols, like the serpent-on-the-rod, are extremely powerful. They have an immediate effect on you.
That's because symbols are superconscious representations of creation. They penetrate your subconscious mind instantly. The symbolic language - tone, color and archetype - makes up the universe we live in.
Imagine when you don’t know this but the control system does and takes full “advantage” of it.
This was a great post. I am an admitted reality show watcher, and for the most part convinced myself that it was mindless entertainment........then I began to notice the shift in my energy when watching the drama unfold. Never did I think to link it to the contribution of drama in my own life! And to be in a place of being intentional, positive, on purpose, and living my dreams I realize that I'm contradicting myself with low frequency programming.
That's cool that you noticed a shift in your energy, Nivia. Some people aren't that aware!
I completely agree with you! We must give more attention to protecting and caring for our minds. When did we decide that it was ok to no longer read good books, listen to good teaching, engage in healthy, life building conversations?
When you can't seem to shake that cold or flu, try turning of the constant stream of news and "reality" shows from the idiot box and put something good into your cells.
I start my day with positive, life changing reading and/or a positive CD to feed my mind first. I then have a brief conversation with my accountability partner. After that I can approach the day with a whole different mental attitude: A better, positive more empowering approach.
Before I go to sleep, I have a similar ritual. I've added replaying things that did not go well as going exactly as planned, to my nightly ritual. The last thoughts before I fall asleep are constructive positive and powerful. It's my midnight snack for my subconscious mind!
Feb 2, 2011. Hello, All. I have been reprogramming, using several techniques over the past 6 years. I have recently been working with "Making Of A Million Dollar Mind". I understand the biology and physiology of how rewiring works in the brain. Randy, or Others, can you explain how that effects the body once the brain hardwires this information. An example is that I have been experiencing a great deal of LBP and my chest has been uncomfortable. I have also had a sharp increase in my appetite for carbs. Are there any medical experts out there that could explain the brain/body connect when working with reprogramming. By the way, I have been to the docotor and I am healthy and not at risk. Thanks Everyone!
Hi Anonymous.
First of all, let me state right up front that I am in NO WAY a medical expert. So, what I can offer here is just one possibility, based on my own studies and past experience as a Hypnotherapist. May or may not fit for you ...
In my past, I worked with many clients who came to me for help in changing internal thought patterns and programming that no longer served them. (Not all of them knew that when they walked into the office, however .) 😉
It was always fascinating for me to observe that, just as all physical conditions have emotional-mind roots, so do all significant thought patterns (and the transformation of them) produce physical sensations. For example, when a client and I would be in the midst of therapy and they would resolve a long-standing emotional issue, often times their stomach would growl when the energy got transmuted and began to move around the body. (It happens during body work, like massage, also. Stomachs growl, people cry, emotions come up. People’s beliefs and experiences get literally ‘stuck’ in their physical body.) Many times, resistance to the progress of the work they were doing would manifest as a random area of pain or discomfort somewhere in the process. At that point, if we gave the pain a ‘voice’ and literally dialogued with it, once we allowed it to share the message it needed to , it dissipated, moved on an went away.
I think it is highly possible that, since you are literally ‘reprogramming’ yourself mentally, you are also creating emotional and physical shifts within your body – and this could account for the sensations you are feeling.
(I know this may sound a little ‘woo-woo’! I promise I am a very grounded person, but I’ve worked successfully through this process with many!) If you are so led, you might try closing your eyes, getting into a peaceful and relaxed state and going inside yourself to see if this pain has something to tell you about the process you are going through. It could very well be that once you honor it and give it the attention it is seeking, it will be gone as quickly as it came. And as you transmute it, you may find yourself moving past some other area of ‘stuckness’ you’ve been bumping up against, too. 🙂
All physical ailments have emotional mind roots? Have you done research to support this theory? I would love to read it if you have, or if you have stumbled across any academic research that has specific cause and effect relationship that all physical conditions have emotional-mind roots.
Not to suggest that this isn't true in many cases. I would actually agree. However, all? Becareful not to spread a dangerous mind virus.
Traditional therapy and medications work on physical conditions that are emotional based as well. General Practice doctors and psychotherapists can both help someone reprogram emotional "hardwiring" that causes physical problems. Along with giving valuable and often necessary medical advice.
My background and training are not medical, they are in the areas of massage, hypnotherapy and the body/mind connection. It is my experience working with clients in these fields that leads me to the conclusion that physical symptoms have emotional-mind roots. Haven’t yet met one that didn’t.
A few recommended books (out of so many more) to check into:
‘You Can Heal Your Life’ – Louise Hay
‘Anatomy of The Spirit’ – Caroline Myss
‘Transforming Therapy’ – Gil Boyne
I not only studied with these people, I used to practice this work and taught it also, Annie. I believe in these theories, as well as the techniques I shared because I have witnessed their validity and results first hand.
Although I didn’t speak out against Western Medicine and traditional Psychotherapy as you seemed to imply, I will share with you that the techniques I practiced got to the bottom of issues in a handful of sessions that some of my clients had been unsuccessfully attempting to resolve in straight talk therapy or with medication for years. Doesn’t mean I don’t see value in those avenues for some of the people some of the time, just means that those who came my way were primed for something different.
There is a time, a place and a path for everybody - I don't need to convert anyone into believing anything other than what works for them. This poster stated they have already been to a doctor –
Sometimes when you can’t find answers in the body, it is necessary to ask the mind. 🙂
I am sure most of the time that is true. I just don't like absolute statements. I bet you are a fantastic hypnotherapist! You also handle criticism really well. :)Your process and technique sound interesting.
PS Have you read about "John of God", I think that is his name. I saw it in my Oprah magazine. Anyway, I think that is fascinating, there are claims he actually has faith healed people (and he isn't against traditional medicine either:) ).
Mind viruses ... Mind viruses ... Mind viruses ... where does one begin.
I grew up with 'what if' and now I'm the one wondering 'what if' I had trusted my own instincts rather than allow all those mind viruses to infect MY thinking.
Zig Ziglar said, "They say motivation doesn't last, well neither does bathing -- that's why we recommend it daily"
I now start my day with daily motivation. Randy suggested the 'burning bowl' ... I hold the burning bonfire. So many things to 'undo' and so little time left to 'undo' them.
But my intention is to gain momentum, pass all those runners in the last lap of life and come in 1st place.
You Are The Sum Total Of Your Thoughts!! Also suggested reading, "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. Really shows the power of the mind. One of the greatest books I've read on that.
After a particularly heinous day yesterday,(now referred to as the mother of all Mondays)I slept in. Why not? The city is covered in ice and snow, my hubby was off, and the kiddos didn't have school. I kicked my husband out of bed about 10 and sent him off to the kitchen to make the only meal he can; breakfast. Much to my children's delight, they got bacon AND sausage (and as my 8 yr old is eating, you hear her say, "take that Meatless Monday)!
So I'm cozy in bed reading texts, tweets, email, and FB. I was so excited Randy had replied to my post I left him after a good cry in the wee hours of the morning. Cut to a few hours later, after some serious research on the internet about samurais for my daughter's history project, I finally got to reading Randy's blog of the day.
He mentions me by name! So I am now famous, or at the very least, fabulous. Just wish I wasn't getting the nod for an epic fail on my part. Of course, I would rather stand out for something I did right (who wouldn't?)! That being said, it's a great topic of discussion, and I am happy my situation could bring it to our attention and help to make us all better people in the future.
Before I replied, I needed to think and to ponder what Randy suggested about memes vs DNA, so taking a cue from KimbraLee, I took a shower. It really is amazing how stepping into that hot stream of water can bring you moments of greatness and great clarity. and great PJ's when you're done doesn't hurt either (YES, PJs.. it's freaking snowing outside, not like I'm going anywhere!).
So, I think the meme vs DNA is the updated version of what makes a person; environment or genetics?
As a person who was adopted at 3 days old, I will vote environment and memes are stronger then DNA and genetics. I have spent a life time having people think my mom and I were telling some sick joke when we say I am adopted. My mom and I are that alike in the sound of our voices, our humor, mannerisms, etc. So environment plays a hugs part there. I think we know what we are taught or we see. Why does someone marry an abuser? It's what they saw as "love", it's all they know. I think more people go to what they know then people say, "wait, that's a messed up way of thinking", and go to the opposite. That's the memes.
Oprah did a show last week on happiness, she sated 50% of happiness you experience is innate (DNA), and 40% can be learned (not sure where the last 10% factors in). Memes and environment play a key part in how that 40% is shaped.
I will have to do some more searching to determine what exactly hung me up in my current situation. Once I know that, I can undo it... but that's previous blog post! 🙂
I do need to ask this though, if the situation I mentioned on your FB page, involved more then just my efforts (i.e. my husband) how do we determine if the block is mine or his?
Usually in a situation like that, both.
Happy to hear that your sense of humor is in tact, Kayla. 🙂
As I read your post, I kept thinking of something brilliant Joe Gregory posted recently ... I thought maybe someone should hit the replay button just for you -
"One of the most powerful decisions I have ever made was to think, feel and act from the belief that the Universe is always conspiring on my behalf, orchestrating events in my favor and supporting me in all ways. When I live in this space, miracles occur regularly. It’s all a decision. We get to choose: am I being supported or victimized?"
The sense of humor keeps me from crying. 🙂 Not, really... only a little bit. Monday was bad, not just for the epic fail I experienced in manifesting, but I got some upsetting news about my 95 yr old grandma. A situation totally out of my hands. To be honest, I feel guilty that I can't make her situation better. I can't fix her dementia, but if I had the money, I could put her in a facility equipped to take care of her. She has SS and even money from the VA, but it doesn't even cover 1/2 a months fees. She has three sons, this REALLY isn't my situation to feel guilty about, but I do b/c I love her and want her to be safe.
I also got a notice that I was being sued (did I mention Monday was heinous?). However, that is the result of some poor choices on my part, so I am really not even upset about it. It's an annoyance more then anything.
I gave myself Monday to feel bad, and apparently eat enough to gain 2 pounds... but then I knew I would wake up on Tuesday to a new day! and I did! 🙂 I can only move forward, and to my way of thinking, it can't really get worse... so the rest of the week HAS to be better, right?!?
I'm kinda glad they all hit on one day, so it didn't mess with everyday of my week.
"...to think, feel and act from the belief that the Universe is always conspiring on my behalf, orchestrating events in my favor and supporting me in all ways." If you were to ask me, I would say I feel the same way... but as actions speak louder then words, I, obviously, still have a disconnect there from subconscious to reality. That's where I get hung up.
Is it possible to try too hard, to just over complicate the process?
I am uncertain as to how to identify the memes that are hanging me up and to eradicate them (I imagine lining them all up and shooting them with my daughter's BB gun).
People say all the time; just think it, just believe it, visualize it. I AM! I have dream board, I have a why, I have a desire, I have a journal, I write goals, I run a movie in my head of what I want... there's still a fly in my honey somewhere. Oh! and how I want it out!
Great post Randy. Its so important to be aware of what we feed our minds. Awesome stuff man.
Does anyone on this blog do enough critical thinking to care that you are getting information regarding social psychology and epigenetics from a network marketing specialist. Hmmm. Not to say Randy isn't really smart and on to something, but some of his statements just aren't entirely accurate.
I'm not sure an ethical scientist who has been researching epigenetics would pronounce the same thing he has said about it. Or a social psycologist, or anthropologist who has been studying memes.
I don't know, I think he is right about all the negativity around us and the disrespect. However, we are all thinking people and we can adapt and interpret this information in anyway our imagination will allow.
You can still read the newspaper and watch the news even if it is negative. In fact, I think you should, you can only help yourself and your community if you know what is going on. Trust in yourself that you can weed out the mind viruses and accurately asses what is really going on. Which, maybe that is what Randy is saying. I don't know.
And actually, not all memes are bad, some are actually there to help humans with their ultimate survival.
Believe in yourself and question everything.
(Sigh) If I am a specialist in anything, it is the science of applying universal principles to manifest prosperity. Not in an abstract or theoretical way, but practical application. And it's not vain to say, arguably the most qualified person in the world to do the work I do.
Because I do work in the practical application arena, I recommend three different business models that allow you to practice leverage and build wealth. Network marketing is one of these three.
This is the last time that I'm going to ask you to stick to the ideas that are discussed on the blog, and not attack people personally. Because someone does not agree with you does not mean they are wrong. Readers here can agree or disagree with any of the ideas presented. But that discussion needs to be on the ideas, not personalities.
Well, I must say you are getting testy, are you not? Don't like to be questioned, Mr. Gage? I thought perhaps you would commend me on my critical thinking skills.
You know I believe part of critical thinking is questioning the philosopher or teacher. It is not a personal attack as you put it. I just wonder if you have interpreted all the facts correctly, or come to all the right conclusions on the material you have analyzed for practical application.
For instance, I am not sure you have interpreted the writings of James Allen correctly either. And I don't believe you have come to all the accurate conclusions on some of this scientific information.
I am actually adhering to you admonitions that we think critically, and protect ourselves from mind viruses.
You are brilliant in many ways Randy. And I agree with your thoughts on the application of some of these theories. Just be careful when you are selling it to an audience that you have all the facts accurate, and your interpretations are explained as such, interpretations.
You aggressively throw these theories at people, and often I think it is a misrepresentaion of reality. I am entitled to this belief. It is a judgement, but once again that is a part of critical thinking.
Also, do not confuse theory and fact. Scientist are often very careful when discussing their findings and theories. They often discuss the critiques of their findings as well, and admit that theirs is just one of many interpretations.
Yes, you are a prosperity expert, but what qualilfies you as the best in the world? Can you back this statement up? Would the scientist and philosophers behind these theories speak on your behalf? Actually, I bet many of them would, but they would include some pretty good criticism as well.
You must learn not to see my criticism as an assault on your personality. I want the truth thats all. The truth. Randy the truth. And, just because you disaggree with me does not mean I am wrong either.
I think the fallacy of some on this blog, is they see things in absolute and black and white. It is so rare that you will find many absolutes in this kind of training. Just like Kimbralee with her belief that all physical conditions are mind based. All? Really? How could one ever prove such a statement? It is only her belief, not actual reality. These kind of absolute beliefs and ways of thinking are dangerous mind viruses, they leave no room for exception and imagination.
I have kept to the topic, like it or not. You can not always just write me off saying I am off topic or making personal assaults.
In a previous discussion of memes and absolute beliefs it was mentioned that once you hold a belief to be true, you lose the ability to look at it objectively. All memes and beliefs should always be looked at objectively otherwise we only fool and short-change ourselves. Look at everything around you objectively and question everything - and perhaps see things as they are. That's what a real thinking person does.
Edward I am not sure what you are trying to say. You might be agreeing or disagreeing with me. If you hold a belief to be true, you loose the ability to look at it objectively? I don't know about that, I think anyone can question their own beliefs, it is just a matter of willingness, to really examine them.
How things really are, is a matter of perception. Is it not?
PS Dear Mr. Gage,
What happens next time if this is the last time?
Mind viruses are Trojan horses.
Fascinating topic for discussion... I think Sheldrake's "morphic resonance" and his story of the 100th monkey applies here. I'd commend anyone interested to give his work a read.
An inherent difficulty within the conversation is that the matter of epigenetics is empirically observable, while memes provide no physical means of transfer -- only the outwardly visible changing behaviors of a society.
In any case, we had better mind what we think.... I'm with you Randy. Thanks for putting this out there.
Aye! I be writin' about ye same over on yonder site! Glad t'be seein' are consensus!