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Changing Yourself

Posted By: Randy GageJune 5, 2019

Last post we discussed the possibility that you can make changes to yourself, before needing an obstacle or failure to wake up.  So how exactly do you go about changing yourself?

The most worrisome thing that happens when you ask this question, is how many people respond with the things they want to change about the people around them.  That’s like going to a doctor because you’ve got the flu and asking her to write a prescription for your neighbor.

If you really want to change you, you have to change you.  Not your mom, Trump, your boss, ex, or spouse.  You.

So how you doing on that?


2 comments on “Changing Yourself”

  1. Change is Good and Essential to Growth! I've had a lot of wake up calls, that made it easy to change when I became tired, mad at my situation, being a victim of years of sexual assault. I am working on changing my habit of procrastination based out of fear. Getting mad at doing nothing or being stuck motivates me to move, sometimes! How do you change a bad habit of procrastination? Thanks

  2. In the heat of this personal challenge. It's all gravy when everything is gravy. Right now I'm in position of waiting for two people to pay me who technically are late but also if I had been overproducing at my other job it wouldn't matter so much.

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  • 2 comments on “Changing Yourself”

    1. Change is Good and Essential to Growth! I've had a lot of wake up calls, that made it easy to change when I became tired, mad at my situation, being a victim of years of sexual assault. I am working on changing my habit of procrastination based out of fear. Getting mad at doing nothing or being stuck motivates me to move, sometimes! How do you change a bad habit of procrastination? Thanks

    2. In the heat of this personal challenge. It's all gravy when everything is gravy. Right now I'm in position of waiting for two people to pay me who technically are late but also if I had been overproducing at my other job it wouldn't matter so much.

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