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15 Actions to Reboot Your Life

Posted By: Randy GageAugust 31, 2018

On Wednesday I released an episode of the podcast about how you break a negative cycle and reboot your life.  Since then, I've heard from quite a few people that the topic totally rattled their molars and rocked their world.  So let’s continue the discussion.  Please allow me to share fifteen behaviors that I personally found very beneficial, as I rebooted my own life.

  • Spend daily self-development time.
  • Invest in things that actually help you progress, not things to impress other people.
  • Judiciously protect your mental state, by limiting your expose to negative and toxic people.
  • Surround yourself with people who challenge you, and require you to be a little breathless to keep up.
  • Challenge yourself to do one big thing every week that scares you.
  • Schedule at least 45 minutes every week simply to think. (Block it off and do it.)
  • Every time you uncover a belief or fear you can’t do something, question the premise. Ascertain if it is really not possible for you, or if you just have bad programming.
  • Forgive everyone who has harmed you. Start with yourself.
  • Choose to live your life without regrets, anger, or jealousy.
  • Measure habits or behaviors you want to improve.
  • Do cardiovascular exercise every day.
  • Eat and drink to fuel your nutritional needs, not for pleasure and taste alone.
  • Begin and end every day with a prayer of gratitude. Keep your heart in breath-taking awe, at the daily miracles you experience.
  • Be quick to say, “I’m sorry,” “thank you,’ and “I love you.”
  • Find something bigger than yourself that you can serve.

Breaking a negative cycle and reinventing yourself isn’t an instant result.  But it is an instant decision.  And then it becomes manifest by deliberate daily actions like these above.

Got any others that work for you?  Please share them with the community in the comments below.


7 comments on “15 Actions to Reboot Your Life”

  1. I am on board with all of this except for the prayer statement. I will just change it to "Begin and end every day with gratitude". I'm just not into superstitious incantations.

    1. Actually there's nothing superstitious (or religious) for me. It's a mental state of meditation in my case, I'm not praying to some supernatural entity, just communing with the energy of the universe.

  2. Make at least one "mental discernment" each day, about your thought processes. Recently for example ~ this week ~ a volcanic conscious realization that we as people attract what we don't want as well as what we do want, as long as there's intense emotion attached to it. ~ it was like a "bolt of awareness", that popped into my consciousness, and "the rheostat" went way up. ie: I could "see this wisdom insight" operates, as clear as could be, in the behavior of the masses, and my own life unfolding

    so setting an intention to make conscious all your thought patterns is really helpful I find.

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  • 7 comments on “15 Actions to Reboot Your Life”

    1. I am on board with all of this except for the prayer statement. I will just change it to "Begin and end every day with gratitude". I'm just not into superstitious incantations.

      1. Actually there's nothing superstitious (or religious) for me. It's a mental state of meditation in my case, I'm not praying to some supernatural entity, just communing with the energy of the universe.

    2. Make at least one "mental discernment" each day, about your thought processes. Recently for example ~ this week ~ a volcanic conscious realization that we as people attract what we don't want as well as what we do want, as long as there's intense emotion attached to it. ~ it was like a "bolt of awareness", that popped into my consciousness, and "the rheostat" went way up. ie: I could "see this wisdom insight" operates, as clear as could be, in the behavior of the masses, and my own life unfolding

      so setting an intention to make conscious all your thought patterns is really helpful I find.

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