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What We are Seeking

Posted By: Randy GageFebruary 21, 2011

The world is filled with seekers.  And while many chase after external things, the real peace comes from within.

The light we seek is not something that Infinite Intelligence has to give; it is Infinite Intelligence itself.  Infinite Intelligence does not give you light, life, or love.  Infinite Intelligence is light, life and love.

And you are part of this intelligence.  What we are really seeking is more of Infinite Intelligence in our own consciousness.  We all want our spirit brought forth in all its glory and Godlikeness.   That’s what we really seek.


34 comments on “What We are Seeking”

  1. Agree. This may be one of the most hard things to understand, as I found out reading Ernest Holme´s "Science of the mind".
    But is undoubtfully true.
    I guess it all links with the worthiness issues that you´ve posted several times. Do we feel worthy enough to recognize ourselves as part of this Infinite Intelligence?
    I guess that all our "self-worthiness" perception lies within our answer to that question.
    Keep the good work Randy.
    Greetings from Chile,

  2. Oh Randy, that's perfect. Good for you. You wrote that with your infinite intelligence. 🙂 A priest once told me God speaks to us in all different ways, sometimes it's the smile on a child's face and sometimes it's through the words are friends say to us.

    Today it was you. 🙂

  3. This is one of my favorite quotes from Dr. Freeman Dyson, Institute of Advanced Studies, Princeton:
    “Mind and intelligence are woven into the fabric of our universe in a way that altogether surpasses our understanding.”

    And then from Ajit Varki - biologist and cofounder of Center for Academic Research in Anthropogeny:
    "Every single cell in nature is covered with a dense and complex array of glycans, which have a huge amount of information content."

    IT is everywhere, both within and without of what we think of as our Selves. This is also why the Bible says that everything you can ever know about God is all around you.

    What we need to learn to do is jump in with abandon as into the deep end of the pool on a hot summer day. Ahhhhhh!

  4. It is our connection within that brings us to our own life source to the varied matrix of the collective unconscious, to the source of all life...and then to it's origin, our creator.

    Our creator wants to live through us! And I am here to make the instrument of my individuality the greatest potential it can be for Life to move through me into manifestation in this world.


    1. Zhannur,
      To have prosperity, you have to start with yourself. Understanding of Infinite Intelligence will come in time. Start with "What you think of me is none of my business" by Terry Cole-Whittaker.


  5. Are we not seeking our dreams to fulfill our destiny given to us by Universal Intelligence and directed by our own Innate Intelligence?
    We can be at peace as we work towards our dreams. When we forgo our dreams, we fight Innate and go against Universal Intelligence. Basically we just #$&% it all up by not becoming what we dream, failing ourselves and all around us.
    We have a responsibility to be selfish and follow our dreams.
    Have an awesome one, I do!

  6. I think everyone is seeking the same thing overall - health, happiness, abundance. Nobody says to themselves I like misery and would love to have more of it in my life unless they are looking for attention. I believe in order for one to be truly fulfilled they must be pursuing their passion and in constant contact with their higher power.

  7. Seeking (wanting) anything is coming from a place of lack as it says you don't have what you are seeking. Seeking is also a form of being needy. When one realizes they are "it" already, and lives their life from this belief,love, peace, and abundance burst forth from who you are. In the words of Lester Levinson, "everything you're looking for is right where you are."

  8. It took me what felt like forever to finally understand:

    ...'tag, you are already 'it''...

    And, it is from that place that the Heavens literally open up.

    K 🙂

  9. Yes. And the question now is how do I manifest that on the plain of material reality, in concrete ways. Skillfulness in manifestation that is what I am working on. And it seems there is quite a lot that needs to be developed. But that is OK. The peace comes from within.

  10. I remember a story about an old lady who lost a needle in her house. But it was so late at night that she could not see, so she went outside her house to look for it out on the street with the help of a street lamp.
    A pedestrian walks by and asks the old lady what was she looking for.
    - I'm looking for a needle I lost inside my house.
    - And why are you looking for it out here?
    - Are you crazy?- answered the old woman- it's so dark in my house that I'm not going to find anything over there!

  11. "And you are part of this intelligence. What we are really seeking is more of Infinite Intelligence in our own consciousness."-RG

    Since we are part of this intelligence, I don't agree we should look for more infinite intelligence. Infinite intelligence is everywhere present. It will be like a fish looking for the ocean (Rev. Stretron Smith) when they are fully sorrounded by it. I think we should look for more AWARENESS of infinite intelligence.

  12. I Am that I Am (Divine Self). My higher self is my inner teacher and voice of conscience. There is no need to seek outside of yourself.

    I Am forever expanding, and creating.

  13. Interesting. This is first RG topic when I have another feeling. I don't seek for real peace. I feel happy when I am in positive action. Then I feel inner light and everybody can see lights in my eyes. The action that gives value without any selfishness. Peace is a break between actions, an instrument,which charges my batteries. If the batteries are too full, they may explode. If the batteries are empty, no light there. Yes, Infinite Intelligence is light and love, and we can recognize it in action. This is a life. We are looking the way how to realize our Infinite Intelligence in physical world.

  14. I am one with Infinite Mind. I am Safe. I am secure. I am completely protected at all times. I choose to create Happy and Fulfilled Dreams. I am magnetic and abundance is attracted to me. And so it is.

  15. "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you".-Jesus Christ. "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ". This is too much for the canal philosophical mind to comprehend.

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  • 34 comments on “What We are Seeking”

    1. Agree. This may be one of the most hard things to understand, as I found out reading Ernest Holme´s "Science of the mind".
      But is undoubtfully true.
      I guess it all links with the worthiness issues that you´ve posted several times. Do we feel worthy enough to recognize ourselves as part of this Infinite Intelligence?
      I guess that all our "self-worthiness" perception lies within our answer to that question.
      Keep the good work Randy.
      Greetings from Chile,

    2. Oh Randy, that's perfect. Good for you. You wrote that with your infinite intelligence. 🙂 A priest once told me God speaks to us in all different ways, sometimes it's the smile on a child's face and sometimes it's through the words are friends say to us.

      Today it was you. 🙂

    3. This is one of my favorite quotes from Dr. Freeman Dyson, Institute of Advanced Studies, Princeton:
      “Mind and intelligence are woven into the fabric of our universe in a way that altogether surpasses our understanding.”

      And then from Ajit Varki - biologist and cofounder of Center for Academic Research in Anthropogeny:
      "Every single cell in nature is covered with a dense and complex array of glycans, which have a huge amount of information content."

      IT is everywhere, both within and without of what we think of as our Selves. This is also why the Bible says that everything you can ever know about God is all around you.

      What we need to learn to do is jump in with abandon as into the deep end of the pool on a hot summer day. Ahhhhhh!

    4. It is our connection within that brings us to our own life source to the varied matrix of the collective unconscious, to the source of all life...and then to it's origin, our creator.

      Our creator wants to live through us! And I am here to make the instrument of my individuality the greatest potential it can be for Life to move through me into manifestation in this world.


      1. Zhannur,
        To have prosperity, you have to start with yourself. Understanding of Infinite Intelligence will come in time. Start with "What you think of me is none of my business" by Terry Cole-Whittaker.


    5. Are we not seeking our dreams to fulfill our destiny given to us by Universal Intelligence and directed by our own Innate Intelligence?
      We can be at peace as we work towards our dreams. When we forgo our dreams, we fight Innate and go against Universal Intelligence. Basically we just #$&% it all up by not becoming what we dream, failing ourselves and all around us.
      We have a responsibility to be selfish and follow our dreams.
      Have an awesome one, I do!

    6. I think everyone is seeking the same thing overall - health, happiness, abundance. Nobody says to themselves I like misery and would love to have more of it in my life unless they are looking for attention. I believe in order for one to be truly fulfilled they must be pursuing their passion and in constant contact with their higher power.

    7. Seeking (wanting) anything is coming from a place of lack as it says you don't have what you are seeking. Seeking is also a form of being needy. When one realizes they are "it" already, and lives their life from this belief,love, peace, and abundance burst forth from who you are. In the words of Lester Levinson, "everything you're looking for is right where you are."

    8. It took me what felt like forever to finally understand:

      ...'tag, you are already 'it''...

      And, it is from that place that the Heavens literally open up.

      K 🙂

    9. Yes. And the question now is how do I manifest that on the plain of material reality, in concrete ways. Skillfulness in manifestation that is what I am working on. And it seems there is quite a lot that needs to be developed. But that is OK. The peace comes from within.

    10. I remember a story about an old lady who lost a needle in her house. But it was so late at night that she could not see, so she went outside her house to look for it out on the street with the help of a street lamp.
      A pedestrian walks by and asks the old lady what was she looking for.
      - I'm looking for a needle I lost inside my house.
      - And why are you looking for it out here?
      - Are you crazy?- answered the old woman- it's so dark in my house that I'm not going to find anything over there!

    11. "And you are part of this intelligence. What we are really seeking is more of Infinite Intelligence in our own consciousness."-RG

      Since we are part of this intelligence, I don't agree we should look for more infinite intelligence. Infinite intelligence is everywhere present. It will be like a fish looking for the ocean (Rev. Stretron Smith) when they are fully sorrounded by it. I think we should look for more AWARENESS of infinite intelligence.

    12. I Am that I Am (Divine Self). My higher self is my inner teacher and voice of conscience. There is no need to seek outside of yourself.

      I Am forever expanding, and creating.

    13. Interesting. This is first RG topic when I have another feeling. I don't seek for real peace. I feel happy when I am in positive action. Then I feel inner light and everybody can see lights in my eyes. The action that gives value without any selfishness. Peace is a break between actions, an instrument,which charges my batteries. If the batteries are too full, they may explode. If the batteries are empty, no light there. Yes, Infinite Intelligence is light and love, and we can recognize it in action. This is a life. We are looking the way how to realize our Infinite Intelligence in physical world.

    14. I am one with Infinite Mind. I am Safe. I am secure. I am completely protected at all times. I choose to create Happy and Fulfilled Dreams. I am magnetic and abundance is attracted to me. And so it is.

    15. "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you".-Jesus Christ. "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ". This is too much for the canal philosophical mind to comprehend.

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