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Posted By: Randy GageMay 23, 2012

Okay it’s been a while since we talked about money.  Probably the biggest mind virus you encounter today about money is that it is not spiritual.

Technically that is true, because money is not inherently spiritual or inherently evil.  It is a resource that can be used for either positive or negative ends.   And even though technically this is true, in practicality, personally I do see money as inherently spiritual.

This is because I view money as God in action for what it allows us to do.  And while people can use money for negative things, when they do so, they are out of accord with the nature of the universe.  As a result, they’re always going to face resistance, while people who use money in accord with universal laws will always prosper.

Poverty is a sin because it separates people from their true nature and glorious potential.  People who are worried about making the rent or providing groceries for their family aren’t using contemplating higher spiritual matters – they are immersed in their struggle for survival.

When they get the money thing out of the way – which means they morally and ethically create enough wealth to exceed their needs – they now can evolve into the delicious existence of contribution on a greater scale.  And that’s when things really get sexy…

You up for it?


74 comments on “Money”

  1. True Randy, it is always the way you look at things.
    Even at "money" - and i love it.
    There is too much "I want" (EGO mindset) in our lives these days than "giving" --> for doublling what you spent.
    I have the feeling people are far away from the opportunity to think in a "give-modus" and too far away from your well described necessary mindset about money. I often ask myself: did the world forget it was once created to be a product to "exchange"?
    >> success is sexy - heard that before  ;))
    >> can imagine that you LOVE it <<

  2. True Randy, it is always the way you look at things.
    Even at "money" - and i love it.
    There is too much "I want" (EGO mindset) in our lives these days than "giving" --> for doublling what you spent.
    I have the feeling people are far away from the opportunity to think in a "give-modus" and too far away from your well described necessary mindset about money. I often ask myself: did the world forget it was once created to be a product to "exchange"?
    >> success is sexy - heard that before  ;))
    >> can imagine that you LOVE it <<

  3. Hi Randy,
    the last paragraph is absolutely great, I think it's what I needed to listen today,

  4. I'm TOTALLY up for it dude! And at the same time I run my daily mantra, "I AM Enough" since it's clear that appreciating all the abundance we have is the key. In other words, "Gratitude'. Thanks for the great reminder!!

  5. I'm TOTALLY up for it dude! And at the same time I run my daily mantra, "I AM Enough" since it's clear that appreciating all the abundance we have is the key. In other words, "Gratitude'. Thanks for the great reminder!!

  6. OH RANDY!  I get so angry and frustrated when you call poverty a sin.  POVERTY IS NOT A SIN.  Calling Poverty a sin, is the same as calling homosexuality a sin.  I mean you could say people who are gay are so concerned with their ostracization and oppression they haven't time for their spirituality.  Would you say this? 
    Randy I believe firmly that you are wanting to promote something good, because I don't believe you would consciously spread a hateful message.  But, Randy you are.  YOU ARE.  I think severe poverty is quite an obstacle to spirituality.  I believe in Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which indicates to be self actualizing you must have all the basic needs met, and also self esteem and love and belongingness.  However, you can be spiritual and good without being self actualized.
    I thought you said you were Christian also?  Do you really believe Christ would have preached poverty as a sin?  NO, he would not have done that.  In fact, Jesus said what you do to the little ones you do to me.  Little ones refer to those less blessed, including the impoverished. 
    Randy if it is the Aramaic definition of sin you are using, consider this, that definition would have been old testament.  Aramaic was not the language of Christ.  While I know Charles Fillmore was a good and spiritual man who founded a lovely church, he was preaching a false prophecy.  There is nothing in Christianity or Islam, or Judaism that teaches that message: poverty is a sin.
    It is a sin when we ignore the plight of the impoverished.  It is a sin to ostracize them.  It is a sin to have the means to eradicate their predicament and not do anything about it.  It is a sin to judge them purely on their economic status. 
    Randy many people are not blessed like you.  Randy you are gifted and talented, charismatic, handsome, funny.........All kinds of wonderful things.  Please show some leniency to those who were not born with grand intellect or ability or physical prowess and beauty.  Love you, Annie.

    1.  @Annieb Annie, we are ALL blessed .. to the degree of what we believe.  Money is not a sin.  Being poor is a state of mind and a belief.  Everyone has the same opportunities to make money... some are more creative and intuitive than others.   God is RICH and so AM I.
      Thank you Randy for this post ... money, money, money ... provides me  MORE CHOICES in my life .. not LESS choices.  I can choose to spend /save, invest / donate ... what ever works for me and my goals.  That is not being selfish, that is being human .. a conduit for God and all the best of me!
      Blessings, Carol

      1.  @carolgilles No.  I never said Money was a sin.  As money is a thing, I am not sure it can sin. 🙂  And, I do not believe making lots of money is a sin either.  I am for tolerance.  I am for the truth, that some people are born unable to make large sums of money.  I am for the truth that poverty is a complex problem, that should not be trivialized with statements that are rudimentary, such as poverty is a sin.

    2.  @Annieb I also used to think-  I was born in the wrong place and  wrong time ...
      Now I realize that it is arrogance. Also  is arrogance to  think that those who are successful are just born talented. it means that  I deny - they have done more than I, that they have been bolder, more focused, more often at the risk and learned from their mistakes. And arrogance is a sin.
      And  how we can say that those who are poor are not talented? Can we  assert  that they therefore have no chance to escape poverty? It also has the arrogance to claim that someone else isn't  talented, isn't   it?
      It is an Australian  business teacher and Christian multimillionaire Peter Daniel, moving on churches in the world and calls for Christians to build a business and get out of poverty.
      He said  (not exactly but something similar): I am tired of Christians being broke. Everybody wants to lead Bible studies and sweep the altar. But who will create more value , make more money and  make  more prosperous and happy people in the world?
      Christians, lift up your ass and start to act, start to build your own business!
      (small watch )
      Thank you Randy. Only now  I start to realize how brave you really do.
      Good luck to all.

      1.  @Marita Liepina Marita,  I don't believe that successful prosperous people are all born talented and gifted.  I am saying stop expecting everyone to individually be able to become wealthy.  It isn't arrogance, it is a reality.  Some are born with systemic diseases and severely low IQ's. 
        I think Randy works very hard, as well as being gifted.  Some gifted people waste their abilities, He did not.  Some are not gifted and become wealthy.
        I think it is the perspective of Christ to put Love first.  Love and Tolerance and yes Randy and friends Altruism.  It is important for our existence for  their to be an altruistic element.  And, no I don't think Christ wanted anyone to waste their abilities.
        I am so sorry to say this, but I really believe it is shallow to think of people's worth as how much material value they have been able to amass.  Isn't someone's kindness a value?  When you give something without return the reward is in the virtue that act creates within you.  It is all right to not agree with this, but I hope some of you will think about it. 
        Have any of you ever known anyone on disability that couldn't work, but still added value to the world.  Do those children in Africa with no food have value?  Or are they just valueless because they do not do anything?  And for that matter any Child?

        1.  @Annieb  @Marita Liepina Tolerance is something poor people and religious groups believe in.When a person grows to relies they don't have to tolerate poverty anymore...they begin to experience more abundance !!!!  too sin is simply to miss the to live in poverty when you don't have to is SIN.

  7. OH RANDY!  I get so angry and frustrated when you call poverty a sin.  POVERTY IS NOT A SIN.  Calling Poverty a sin, is the same as calling homosexuality a sin.  I mean you could say people who are gay are so concerned with their ostracization and oppression they haven't time for their spirituality.  Would you say this? 
    Randy I believe firmly that you are wanting to promote something good, because I don't believe you would consciously spread a hateful message.  But, Randy you are.  YOU ARE.  I think severe poverty is quite an obstacle to spirituality.  I believe in Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which indicates to be self actualizing you must have all the basic needs met, and also self esteem and love and belongingness.  However, you can be spiritual and good without being self actualized.
    I thought you said you were Christian also?  Do you really believe Christ would have preached poverty as a sin?  NO, he would not have done that.  In fact, Jesus said what you do to the little ones you do to me.  Little ones refer to those less blessed, including the impoverished. 
    Randy if it is the Aramaic definition of sin you are using, consider this, that definition would have been old testament.  Aramaic was not the language of Christ.  While I know Charles Fillmore was a good and spiritual man who founded a lovely church, he was preaching a false prophecy.  There is nothing in Christianity or Islam, or Judaism that teaches that message: poverty is a sin.
    It is a sin when we ignore the plight of the impoverished.  It is a sin to ostracize them.  It is a sin to have the means to eradicate their predicament and not do anything about it.  It is a sin to judge them purely on their economic status. 
    Randy many people are not blessed like you.  Randy you are gifted and talented, charismatic, handsome, funny.........All kinds of wonderful things.  Please show some leniency to those who were not born with grand intellect or ability or physical prowess and beauty.  Love you, Annie.

  8. Yeah Poverty is a sin cause it makes you do some sinful things. Now true Prosperity one can create heaven on earth.

  9. Yeah Poverty is a sin cause it makes you do some sinful things. Now true Prosperity one can create heaven on earth.

  10.  @Annieb Annie, we are ALL blessed .. to the degree of what we believe.  Money is not a sin.  Being poor is a state of mind and a belief.  Everyone has the same opportunities to make money... some are more creative and intuitive than others.   God is RICH and so AM I.
    Thank you Randy for this post ... money, money, money ... provides me  MORE CHOICES in my life .. not LESS choices.  I can choose to spend /save, invest / donate ... what ever works for me and my goals.  That is not being selfish, that is being human .. a conduit for God and all the best of me!
    Blessings, Carol

  11.  @Annieb I also used to think-  I was born in the wrong place and  wrong time ...
    Now I realize that it is arrogance. Also  is arrogance to  think that those who are successful are just born talented. it means that  I deny - they have done more than I, that they have been bolder, more focused, more often at the risk and learned from their mistakes. And arrogance is a sin.
    And  how we can say that those who are poor are not talented? Can we  assert  that they therefore have no chance to escape poverty? It also has the arrogance to claim that someone else isn't  talented, isn't   it?
    It is an Australian  business teacher and Christian multimillionaire Peter Daniel, moving on churches in the world and calls for Christians to build a business and get out of poverty.
    He said  (not exactly but something similar): I am tired of Christians being broke. Everybody wants to lead Bible studies and sweep the altar. But who will create more value , make more money and  make  more prosperous and happy people in the world?
    Christians, lift up your ass and start to act, start to build your own business!
    (small watch )
    Thank you Randy. Only now  I start to realize how brave you really do.
    Good luck to all.

  12.  @carolgilles No.  I never said Money was a sin.  As money is a thing, I am not sure it can sin. 🙂  And, I do not believe making lots of money is a sin either.  I am for tolerance.  I am for the truth, that some people are born unable to make large sums of money.  I am for the truth that poverty is a complex problem, that should not be trivialized with statements that are rudimentary, such as poverty is a sin.

  13.  @Marita Liepina Marita,  I don't believe that successful prosperous people are all born talented and gifted.  I am saying stop expecting everyone to individually be able to become wealthy.  It isn't arrogance, it is a reality.  Some are born with systemic diseases and severely low IQ's. 
    I think Randy works very hard, as well as being gifted.  Some gifted people waste their abilities, He did not.  Some are not gifted and become wealthy.
    I think it is the perspective of Christ to put Love first.  Love and Tolerance and yes Randy and friends Altruism.  It is important for our existence for  their to be an altruistic element.  And, no I don't think Christ wanted anyone to waste their abilities.
    I am so sorry to say this, but I really believe it is shallow to think of people's worth as how much material value they have been able to amass.  Isn't someone's kindness a value?  When you give something without return the reward is in the virtue that act creates within you.  It is all right to not agree with this, but I hope some of you will think about it. 
    Have any of you ever known anyone on disability that couldn't work, but still added value to the world.  Do those children in Africa with no food have value?  Or are they just valueless because they do not do anything?  And for that matter any Child?

  14. I have been struggling for years even though I have worked so hard. I am not lazy, but money didn't come abundantly even though I work very hard.
    Be honestly, I am struggling to survive for monthly rent. It is very pathetic.
    I have claimed statement you and some other people teach, I read your books a lots. But why money didn't come like the way you reveal?

  15. I have been struggling for years even though I have worked so hard. I am not lazy, but money didn't come abundantly even though I work very hard.
    Be honestly, I am struggling to survive for monthly rent. It is very pathetic.
    I have claimed statement you and some other people teach, I read your books a lots. But why money didn't come like the way you reveal?

  16. money will always match  your mindset! you must be allign with you is good and so are you!

  17. money will always match  your mindset! you must be allign with you is good and so are you!

  18. I still can't reply on facebook.  So, I will here, because I think it is important.  I am so glad you are enjoying the raging controversy. 🙂  However, on your post about reality, I would reword it to state: The self-actualized person understands what realities about their lives they can change and what realities they cannot.  Kinda like that serenity prayer.....  Reality is definitely something you can change in some cases, and sometimes it just takes a change of perspective.

  19. I still can't reply on facebook.  So, I will here, because I think it is important.  I am so glad you are enjoying the raging controversy. 🙂  However, on your post about reality, I would reword it to state: The self-actualized person understands what realities about their lives they can change and what realities they cannot.  Kinda like that serenity prayer.....  Reality is definitely something you can change in some cases, and sometimes it just takes a change of perspective.

  20. Poverty is not a sin. It is a culture and a way of life. Understand poverty and its nuances, and you will understand your middle class or upper crust way of life in a new light. Poverty's culture transcends and actually has many things in common with the upper crust, or internationally wealthy crowd. Wow... who would imagine such commonalities connect two opposite ends of the economic spectrum? Impoverishment is in all regions with a wide spectrum of people walking and talking it daily. IFFFFFF.... more of us dealing with impoverished people would share with them the "TAKEN FOR GRANTED MIDDLE CLASS CUES" that rule how things are done in oursociety, we would have many more empowered impoverished people better armed to make a move. Withhold the password to being able to successfully navigate through all systems and situations functioning on the rules of middle class cues, and you, yes, YOU, are responsible for proliferating those who are impoverished!!! AND SHAME ON YOU FOR DOING SO!!!

  21. Poverty is not a sin. It is a culture and a way of life. Understand poverty and its nuances, and you will understand your middle class or upper crust way of life in a new light. Poverty's culture transcends and actually has many things in common with the upper crust, or internationally wealthy crowd. Wow... who would imagine such commonalities connect two opposite ends of the economic spectrum? Impoverishment is in all regions with a wide spectrum of people walking and talking it daily. IFFFFFF.... more of us dealing with impoverished people would share with them the "TAKEN FOR GRANTED MIDDLE CLASS CUES" that rule how things are done in oursociety, we would have many more empowered impoverished people better armed to make a move. Withhold the password to being able to successfully navigate through all systems and situations functioning on the rules of middle class cues, and you, yes, YOU, are responsible for proliferating those who are impoverished!!! AND SHAME ON YOU FOR DOING SO!!!

  22. Poverty is not a sin, but a culture. Understand poverty and its nuances, and you will understand your middle class or upper crust way of life. Poverty's culture transcends and actually has many things in common with the internationally wealthy. Wow it could be scary commonalities connect two opposite ends of the economic spectrum? Impoverishment is in all regions with a spectrum of people walking and talking it daily. IF more of  us shared the "TAKEN FOR GRANTED MIDDLE CLASS CUES" with those needing that power to enable them to navigate through all systems and situations, we would have many more EMPOWERED impoverished peeps positioned 4 success. Withhold this vital password to  them, and  you, yes, YOU, are responsible for proliferating those who are impoverished!!! AND SHAME ON YOU FOR DOING SO!!!

  23. Poverty is not a sin, but a culture. Understand poverty and its nuances, and you will understand your middle class or upper crust way of life. Poverty's culture transcends and actually has many things in common with the internationally wealthy. Wow it could be scary commonalities connect two opposite ends of the economic spectrum? Impoverishment is in all regions with a spectrum of people walking and talking it daily. IF more of  us shared the "TAKEN FOR GRANTED MIDDLE CLASS CUES" with those needing that power to enable them to navigate through all systems and situations, we would have many more EMPOWERED impoverished peeps positioned 4 success. Withhold this vital password to  them, and  you, yes, YOU, are responsible for proliferating those who are impoverished!!! AND SHAME ON YOU FOR DOING SO!!!

  24.  @Annieb  @Marita Liepina Tolerance is something poor people and religious groups believe in.When a person grows to relies they don't have to tolerate poverty anymore...they begin to experience more abundance !!!!  too sin is simply to miss the to live in poverty when you don't have to is SIN.

  25. Marygrace that is nonsence. Come on! Poverty is a choice. Choice to do less than needed to be equal to middle class or more than needed to be in 1%. Choice is what enables you to sin. Thus Poverty is Truly a Sin. But culture is what surrounds you but doesn't limit you to be poor. You can choose not to follow the culture around you and limit yourself with it, but choose to grow above it. That is what prosperity really is. Be better and people will follow you, and when they are willing to follow they will give and care to and about the goal. Money is just a mere something that will come along the giving.

  26. Marygrace that is nonsence. Come on! Poverty is a choice. Choice to do less than needed to be equal to middle class or more than needed to be in 1%. Choice is what enables you to sin. Thus Poverty is Truly a Sin. But culture is what surrounds you but doesn't limit you to be poor. You can choose not to follow the culture around you and limit yourself with it, but choose to grow above it. That is what prosperity really is. Be better and people will follow you, and when they are willing to follow they will give and care to and about the goal. Money is just a mere something that will come along the giving.

  27. Money, just like poverty, prosperity, abundance etc. is an idea. It is energy in a way. Everyone says - money is the most material thing in the world. I don't think so. Money is pure energy, it is pure idea. That is why it is the easiest for people aspect of their lives to change, to manage, to obtain. That is why funancial freedom is the easiest to get of all human freedoms. And as every other idea in our world, money can be named "good" or "Bad". And it's not "good", it's not "bad", it just IS.

  28. Money, just like poverty, prosperity, abundance etc. is an idea. It is energy in a way. Everyone says - money is the most material thing in the world. I don't think so. Money is pure energy, it is pure idea. That is why it is the easiest for people aspect of their lives to change, to manage, to obtain. That is why funancial freedom is the easiest to get of all human freedoms. And as every other idea in our world, money can be named "good" or "Bad". And it's not "good", it's not "bad", it just IS.

  29. someone please define SIN for me!!!Okay i will since some people seem to think its this word describes something unreversable and damming.Too "sin" is to mis the mark.Thats for anything in yr life.Poor is a state of mind .Rich is a state of mind.Pride comes in two forms one says i am too great for this @ the other says this is not for me I am too small.They are both equally wrong!!God looked at you and saw a KING in all his/her glory and then put you at the beginning .

    1.  @blair_dean wikipedia explains: Sin is an act that violates God´s will.  :))
      I love the last sentence you offered to us :))  TRUE.

  30. someone please define SIN for me!!!Okay i will since some people seem to think its this word describes something unreversable and damming.Too "sin" is to mis the mark.Thats for anything in yr life.Poor is a state of mind .Rich is a state of mind.Pride comes in two forms one says i am too great for this @ the other says this is not for me I am too small.They are both equally wrong!!God looked at you and saw a KING in all his/her glory and then put you at the beginning .

  31.  @blair_dean wikipedia explains: Sin is an act that violates God´s will.  :))
    I love the last sentence you offered to us :))  TRUE.

  32. That works too....just that there are billions of opinions on "Gods will"  I sin daily but i know i am still loved by the Universe (for me i call HIM Jesus) I move on and change as He rewards me openly!!!

  33. That works too....just that there are billions of opinions on "Gods will"  I sin daily but i know i am still loved by the Universe (for me i call HIM Jesus) I move on and change as He rewards me openly!!!

  34. This is very true and helpful! To those saying poverty is not a sin, it IS!  He  isnt judging poor people but thier choice of being poor  because it doesnt help the world! and it IS a choice! We can all be rich! we all deserve to be rich and enjoy money and share! We all have gifts and talents and we are all blessed. I dont think money is energy though. I can create and feel positive and negative energy. Money is a material thing but it IS Gods hand in action. We love thru money, help thru money, show support thru money. Poverty is a sin because its a state of being that brings darkness on oneself and on others. If you can bless someone and you dont, isnt that a sin? Poverty is giving in, I hate it! I have experience financial struggle and I hate it. I would love to buy jimmy choos and go to Paris. Money can make that happen! Money can make alot of things happen. In my next life Im gonna be born a millionare! maybe that can happen in this life, wont be born in it but we'll see...

  35. This is very true and helpful! To those saying poverty is not a sin, it IS!  He  isnt judging poor people but thier choice of being poor  because it doesnt help the world! and it IS a choice! We can all be rich! we all deserve to be rich and enjoy money and share! We all have gifts and talents and we are all blessed. I dont think money is energy though. I can create and feel positive and negative energy. Money is a material thing but it IS Gods hand in action. We love thru money, help thru money, show support thru money. Poverty is a sin because its a state of being that brings darkness on oneself and on others. If you can bless someone and you dont, isnt that a sin? Poverty is giving in, I hate it! I have experience financial struggle and I hate it. I would love to buy jimmy choos and go to Paris. Money can make that happen! Money can make alot of things happen. In my next life Im gonna be born a millionare! maybe that can happen in this life, wont be born in it but we'll see...

  36. Oh I forgot to thing about money and why it is holy. It has Gods name on it! on ALL money it says " IN GOD WE TRUST" I think that means God wants us to NEVER worry about $! Thats why he put that message on money for us to see! He knew there might be confusion but the message is clear! IN GOD WE TRUST!!!

  37. Oh I forgot to thing about money and why it is holy. It has Gods name on it! on ALL money it says " IN GOD WE TRUST" I think that means God wants us to NEVER worry about $! Thats why he put that message on money for us to see! He knew there might be confusion but the message is clear! IN GOD WE TRUST!!!

  38. I love your post, Randy, as always! To me, MONEY is a means of exchange, but unfortunately, most people I encounter see it as something that cannot be touched and sometimes not even spoken of = Mind viruses... Because if lack of money is a sin, then the ABUNDANCE of MONEY is something to REJOICE on, for it is a TRUE BLESSING!  I believe in your Laws of Circulation, Vacuum and all your Prosperity TV shows.

  39. I love your post, Randy, as always! To me, MONEY is a means of exchange, but unfortunately, most people I encounter see it as something that cannot be touched and sometimes not even spoken of = Mind viruses... Because if lack of money is a sin, then the ABUNDANCE of MONEY is something to REJOICE on, for it is a TRUE BLESSING!  I believe in your Laws of Circulation, Vacuum and all your Prosperity TV shows.

    1.  @Joe Lee  yeah because Justin Beiber adds ALOT of value to the world and teachers, nurses and aids and cancer researchers clearly dont!

      1.  @glamdancedoll You have a set of definition on the word "value". To you Justin Bieber is not adding any value but rich. From his perspective, he is adding value to the world. Just not the way you see value as.

        1.  @Joe Lee No Im pretty sure Justin Beiber KNOWS he has lucked out. I disagree with you. Money is not a by product of value we put in the world, otherwise single mothers would be millionares. but you go ahead and think what you want. I just thinks you are wrong.

  40.  @Joe Lee  yeah because Justin Beiber adds ALOT of value to the world and teachers, nurses and aids and cancer researchers clearly dont!

  41.  @glamdancedoll You have a set of definition on the word "value". To you Justin Bieber is not adding any value but rich. From his perspective, he is adding value to the world. Just not the way you see value as.

  42.  @Joe Lee No Im pretty sure Justin Beiber KNOWS he has lucked out. I disagree with you. Money is not a by product of value we put in the world, otherwise single mothers would be millionares. but you go ahead and think what you want. I just thinks you are wrong.

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  • 74 comments on “Money”

    1. True Randy, it is always the way you look at things.
      Even at "money" - and i love it.
      There is too much "I want" (EGO mindset) in our lives these days than "giving" --> for doublling what you spent.
      I have the feeling people are far away from the opportunity to think in a "give-modus" and too far away from your well described necessary mindset about money. I often ask myself: did the world forget it was once created to be a product to "exchange"?
      >> success is sexy - heard that before  ;))
      >> can imagine that you LOVE it <<

    2. True Randy, it is always the way you look at things.
      Even at "money" - and i love it.
      There is too much "I want" (EGO mindset) in our lives these days than "giving" --> for doublling what you spent.
      I have the feeling people are far away from the opportunity to think in a "give-modus" and too far away from your well described necessary mindset about money. I often ask myself: did the world forget it was once created to be a product to "exchange"?
      >> success is sexy - heard that before  ;))
      >> can imagine that you LOVE it <<

    3. Hi Randy,
      the last paragraph is absolutely great, I think it's what I needed to listen today,

    4. I'm TOTALLY up for it dude! And at the same time I run my daily mantra, "I AM Enough" since it's clear that appreciating all the abundance we have is the key. In other words, "Gratitude'. Thanks for the great reminder!!

    5. I'm TOTALLY up for it dude! And at the same time I run my daily mantra, "I AM Enough" since it's clear that appreciating all the abundance we have is the key. In other words, "Gratitude'. Thanks for the great reminder!!

    6. OH RANDY!  I get so angry and frustrated when you call poverty a sin.  POVERTY IS NOT A SIN.  Calling Poverty a sin, is the same as calling homosexuality a sin.  I mean you could say people who are gay are so concerned with their ostracization and oppression they haven't time for their spirituality.  Would you say this? 
      Randy I believe firmly that you are wanting to promote something good, because I don't believe you would consciously spread a hateful message.  But, Randy you are.  YOU ARE.  I think severe poverty is quite an obstacle to spirituality.  I believe in Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which indicates to be self actualizing you must have all the basic needs met, and also self esteem and love and belongingness.  However, you can be spiritual and good without being self actualized.
      I thought you said you were Christian also?  Do you really believe Christ would have preached poverty as a sin?  NO, he would not have done that.  In fact, Jesus said what you do to the little ones you do to me.  Little ones refer to those less blessed, including the impoverished. 
      Randy if it is the Aramaic definition of sin you are using, consider this, that definition would have been old testament.  Aramaic was not the language of Christ.  While I know Charles Fillmore was a good and spiritual man who founded a lovely church, he was preaching a false prophecy.  There is nothing in Christianity or Islam, or Judaism that teaches that message: poverty is a sin.
      It is a sin when we ignore the plight of the impoverished.  It is a sin to ostracize them.  It is a sin to have the means to eradicate their predicament and not do anything about it.  It is a sin to judge them purely on their economic status. 
      Randy many people are not blessed like you.  Randy you are gifted and talented, charismatic, handsome, funny.........All kinds of wonderful things.  Please show some leniency to those who were not born with grand intellect or ability or physical prowess and beauty.  Love you, Annie.

      1.  @Annieb Annie, we are ALL blessed .. to the degree of what we believe.  Money is not a sin.  Being poor is a state of mind and a belief.  Everyone has the same opportunities to make money... some are more creative and intuitive than others.   God is RICH and so AM I.
        Thank you Randy for this post ... money, money, money ... provides me  MORE CHOICES in my life .. not LESS choices.  I can choose to spend /save, invest / donate ... what ever works for me and my goals.  That is not being selfish, that is being human .. a conduit for God and all the best of me!
        Blessings, Carol

        1.  @carolgilles No.  I never said Money was a sin.  As money is a thing, I am not sure it can sin. 🙂  And, I do not believe making lots of money is a sin either.  I am for tolerance.  I am for the truth, that some people are born unable to make large sums of money.  I am for the truth that poverty is a complex problem, that should not be trivialized with statements that are rudimentary, such as poverty is a sin.

      2.  @Annieb I also used to think-  I was born in the wrong place and  wrong time ...
        Now I realize that it is arrogance. Also  is arrogance to  think that those who are successful are just born talented. it means that  I deny - they have done more than I, that they have been bolder, more focused, more often at the risk and learned from their mistakes. And arrogance is a sin.
        And  how we can say that those who are poor are not talented? Can we  assert  that they therefore have no chance to escape poverty? It also has the arrogance to claim that someone else isn't  talented, isn't   it?
        It is an Australian  business teacher and Christian multimillionaire Peter Daniel, moving on churches in the world and calls for Christians to build a business and get out of poverty.
        He said  (not exactly but something similar): I am tired of Christians being broke. Everybody wants to lead Bible studies and sweep the altar. But who will create more value , make more money and  make  more prosperous and happy people in the world?
        Christians, lift up your ass and start to act, start to build your own business!
        (small watch )
        Thank you Randy. Only now  I start to realize how brave you really do.
        Good luck to all.

        1.  @Marita Liepina Marita,  I don't believe that successful prosperous people are all born talented and gifted.  I am saying stop expecting everyone to individually be able to become wealthy.  It isn't arrogance, it is a reality.  Some are born with systemic diseases and severely low IQ's. 
          I think Randy works very hard, as well as being gifted.  Some gifted people waste their abilities, He did not.  Some are not gifted and become wealthy.
          I think it is the perspective of Christ to put Love first.  Love and Tolerance and yes Randy and friends Altruism.  It is important for our existence for  their to be an altruistic element.  And, no I don't think Christ wanted anyone to waste their abilities.
          I am so sorry to say this, but I really believe it is shallow to think of people's worth as how much material value they have been able to amass.  Isn't someone's kindness a value?  When you give something without return the reward is in the virtue that act creates within you.  It is all right to not agree with this, but I hope some of you will think about it. 
          Have any of you ever known anyone on disability that couldn't work, but still added value to the world.  Do those children in Africa with no food have value?  Or are they just valueless because they do not do anything?  And for that matter any Child?

          1.  @Annieb  @Marita Liepina Tolerance is something poor people and religious groups believe in.When a person grows to relies they don't have to tolerate poverty anymore...they begin to experience more abundance !!!!  too sin is simply to miss the to live in poverty when you don't have to is SIN.

    7. OH RANDY!  I get so angry and frustrated when you call poverty a sin.  POVERTY IS NOT A SIN.  Calling Poverty a sin, is the same as calling homosexuality a sin.  I mean you could say people who are gay are so concerned with their ostracization and oppression they haven't time for their spirituality.  Would you say this? 
      Randy I believe firmly that you are wanting to promote something good, because I don't believe you would consciously spread a hateful message.  But, Randy you are.  YOU ARE.  I think severe poverty is quite an obstacle to spirituality.  I believe in Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which indicates to be self actualizing you must have all the basic needs met, and also self esteem and love and belongingness.  However, you can be spiritual and good without being self actualized.
      I thought you said you were Christian also?  Do you really believe Christ would have preached poverty as a sin?  NO, he would not have done that.  In fact, Jesus said what you do to the little ones you do to me.  Little ones refer to those less blessed, including the impoverished. 
      Randy if it is the Aramaic definition of sin you are using, consider this, that definition would have been old testament.  Aramaic was not the language of Christ.  While I know Charles Fillmore was a good and spiritual man who founded a lovely church, he was preaching a false prophecy.  There is nothing in Christianity or Islam, or Judaism that teaches that message: poverty is a sin.
      It is a sin when we ignore the plight of the impoverished.  It is a sin to ostracize them.  It is a sin to have the means to eradicate their predicament and not do anything about it.  It is a sin to judge them purely on their economic status. 
      Randy many people are not blessed like you.  Randy you are gifted and talented, charismatic, handsome, funny.........All kinds of wonderful things.  Please show some leniency to those who were not born with grand intellect or ability or physical prowess and beauty.  Love you, Annie.

    8. Yeah Poverty is a sin cause it makes you do some sinful things. Now true Prosperity one can create heaven on earth.

    9. Yeah Poverty is a sin cause it makes you do some sinful things. Now true Prosperity one can create heaven on earth.

    10.  @Annieb Annie, we are ALL blessed .. to the degree of what we believe.  Money is not a sin.  Being poor is a state of mind and a belief.  Everyone has the same opportunities to make money... some are more creative and intuitive than others.   God is RICH and so AM I.
      Thank you Randy for this post ... money, money, money ... provides me  MORE CHOICES in my life .. not LESS choices.  I can choose to spend /save, invest / donate ... what ever works for me and my goals.  That is not being selfish, that is being human .. a conduit for God and all the best of me!
      Blessings, Carol

    11.  @Annieb I also used to think-  I was born in the wrong place and  wrong time ...
      Now I realize that it is arrogance. Also  is arrogance to  think that those who are successful are just born talented. it means that  I deny - they have done more than I, that they have been bolder, more focused, more often at the risk and learned from their mistakes. And arrogance is a sin.
      And  how we can say that those who are poor are not talented? Can we  assert  that they therefore have no chance to escape poverty? It also has the arrogance to claim that someone else isn't  talented, isn't   it?
      It is an Australian  business teacher and Christian multimillionaire Peter Daniel, moving on churches in the world and calls for Christians to build a business and get out of poverty.
      He said  (not exactly but something similar): I am tired of Christians being broke. Everybody wants to lead Bible studies and sweep the altar. But who will create more value , make more money and  make  more prosperous and happy people in the world?
      Christians, lift up your ass and start to act, start to build your own business!
      (small watch )
      Thank you Randy. Only now  I start to realize how brave you really do.
      Good luck to all.

    12.  @carolgilles No.  I never said Money was a sin.  As money is a thing, I am not sure it can sin. 🙂  And, I do not believe making lots of money is a sin either.  I am for tolerance.  I am for the truth, that some people are born unable to make large sums of money.  I am for the truth that poverty is a complex problem, that should not be trivialized with statements that are rudimentary, such as poverty is a sin.

    13.  @Marita Liepina Marita,  I don't believe that successful prosperous people are all born talented and gifted.  I am saying stop expecting everyone to individually be able to become wealthy.  It isn't arrogance, it is a reality.  Some are born with systemic diseases and severely low IQ's. 
      I think Randy works very hard, as well as being gifted.  Some gifted people waste their abilities, He did not.  Some are not gifted and become wealthy.
      I think it is the perspective of Christ to put Love first.  Love and Tolerance and yes Randy and friends Altruism.  It is important for our existence for  their to be an altruistic element.  And, no I don't think Christ wanted anyone to waste their abilities.
      I am so sorry to say this, but I really believe it is shallow to think of people's worth as how much material value they have been able to amass.  Isn't someone's kindness a value?  When you give something without return the reward is in the virtue that act creates within you.  It is all right to not agree with this, but I hope some of you will think about it. 
      Have any of you ever known anyone on disability that couldn't work, but still added value to the world.  Do those children in Africa with no food have value?  Or are they just valueless because they do not do anything?  And for that matter any Child?

    14. I have been struggling for years even though I have worked so hard. I am not lazy, but money didn't come abundantly even though I work very hard.
      Be honestly, I am struggling to survive for monthly rent. It is very pathetic.
      I have claimed statement you and some other people teach, I read your books a lots. But why money didn't come like the way you reveal?

    15. I have been struggling for years even though I have worked so hard. I am not lazy, but money didn't come abundantly even though I work very hard.
      Be honestly, I am struggling to survive for monthly rent. It is very pathetic.
      I have claimed statement you and some other people teach, I read your books a lots. But why money didn't come like the way you reveal?

    16. money will always match  your mindset! you must be allign with you is good and so are you!

    17. money will always match  your mindset! you must be allign with you is good and so are you!

    18. I still can't reply on facebook.  So, I will here, because I think it is important.  I am so glad you are enjoying the raging controversy. 🙂  However, on your post about reality, I would reword it to state: The self-actualized person understands what realities about their lives they can change and what realities they cannot.  Kinda like that serenity prayer.....  Reality is definitely something you can change in some cases, and sometimes it just takes a change of perspective.

    19. I still can't reply on facebook.  So, I will here, because I think it is important.  I am so glad you are enjoying the raging controversy. 🙂  However, on your post about reality, I would reword it to state: The self-actualized person understands what realities about their lives they can change and what realities they cannot.  Kinda like that serenity prayer.....  Reality is definitely something you can change in some cases, and sometimes it just takes a change of perspective.

    20. Poverty is not a sin. It is a culture and a way of life. Understand poverty and its nuances, and you will understand your middle class or upper crust way of life in a new light. Poverty's culture transcends and actually has many things in common with the upper crust, or internationally wealthy crowd. Wow... who would imagine such commonalities connect two opposite ends of the economic spectrum? Impoverishment is in all regions with a wide spectrum of people walking and talking it daily. IFFFFFF.... more of us dealing with impoverished people would share with them the "TAKEN FOR GRANTED MIDDLE CLASS CUES" that rule how things are done in oursociety, we would have many more empowered impoverished people better armed to make a move. Withhold the password to being able to successfully navigate through all systems and situations functioning on the rules of middle class cues, and you, yes, YOU, are responsible for proliferating those who are impoverished!!! AND SHAME ON YOU FOR DOING SO!!!

    21. Poverty is not a sin. It is a culture and a way of life. Understand poverty and its nuances, and you will understand your middle class or upper crust way of life in a new light. Poverty's culture transcends and actually has many things in common with the upper crust, or internationally wealthy crowd. Wow... who would imagine such commonalities connect two opposite ends of the economic spectrum? Impoverishment is in all regions with a wide spectrum of people walking and talking it daily. IFFFFFF.... more of us dealing with impoverished people would share with them the "TAKEN FOR GRANTED MIDDLE CLASS CUES" that rule how things are done in oursociety, we would have many more empowered impoverished people better armed to make a move. Withhold the password to being able to successfully navigate through all systems and situations functioning on the rules of middle class cues, and you, yes, YOU, are responsible for proliferating those who are impoverished!!! AND SHAME ON YOU FOR DOING SO!!!

    22. Poverty is not a sin, but a culture. Understand poverty and its nuances, and you will understand your middle class or upper crust way of life. Poverty's culture transcends and actually has many things in common with the internationally wealthy. Wow it could be scary commonalities connect two opposite ends of the economic spectrum? Impoverishment is in all regions with a spectrum of people walking and talking it daily. IF more of  us shared the "TAKEN FOR GRANTED MIDDLE CLASS CUES" with those needing that power to enable them to navigate through all systems and situations, we would have many more EMPOWERED impoverished peeps positioned 4 success. Withhold this vital password to  them, and  you, yes, YOU, are responsible for proliferating those who are impoverished!!! AND SHAME ON YOU FOR DOING SO!!!

    23. Poverty is not a sin, but a culture. Understand poverty and its nuances, and you will understand your middle class or upper crust way of life. Poverty's culture transcends and actually has many things in common with the internationally wealthy. Wow it could be scary commonalities connect two opposite ends of the economic spectrum? Impoverishment is in all regions with a spectrum of people walking and talking it daily. IF more of  us shared the "TAKEN FOR GRANTED MIDDLE CLASS CUES" with those needing that power to enable them to navigate through all systems and situations, we would have many more EMPOWERED impoverished peeps positioned 4 success. Withhold this vital password to  them, and  you, yes, YOU, are responsible for proliferating those who are impoverished!!! AND SHAME ON YOU FOR DOING SO!!!

    24.  @Annieb  @Marita Liepina Tolerance is something poor people and religious groups believe in.When a person grows to relies they don't have to tolerate poverty anymore...they begin to experience more abundance !!!!  too sin is simply to miss the to live in poverty when you don't have to is SIN.

    25. Marygrace that is nonsence. Come on! Poverty is a choice. Choice to do less than needed to be equal to middle class or more than needed to be in 1%. Choice is what enables you to sin. Thus Poverty is Truly a Sin. But culture is what surrounds you but doesn't limit you to be poor. You can choose not to follow the culture around you and limit yourself with it, but choose to grow above it. That is what prosperity really is. Be better and people will follow you, and when they are willing to follow they will give and care to and about the goal. Money is just a mere something that will come along the giving.

    26. Marygrace that is nonsence. Come on! Poverty is a choice. Choice to do less than needed to be equal to middle class or more than needed to be in 1%. Choice is what enables you to sin. Thus Poverty is Truly a Sin. But culture is what surrounds you but doesn't limit you to be poor. You can choose not to follow the culture around you and limit yourself with it, but choose to grow above it. That is what prosperity really is. Be better and people will follow you, and when they are willing to follow they will give and care to and about the goal. Money is just a mere something that will come along the giving.

    27. Money, just like poverty, prosperity, abundance etc. is an idea. It is energy in a way. Everyone says - money is the most material thing in the world. I don't think so. Money is pure energy, it is pure idea. That is why it is the easiest for people aspect of their lives to change, to manage, to obtain. That is why funancial freedom is the easiest to get of all human freedoms. And as every other idea in our world, money can be named "good" or "Bad". And it's not "good", it's not "bad", it just IS.

    28. Money, just like poverty, prosperity, abundance etc. is an idea. It is energy in a way. Everyone says - money is the most material thing in the world. I don't think so. Money is pure energy, it is pure idea. That is why it is the easiest for people aspect of their lives to change, to manage, to obtain. That is why funancial freedom is the easiest to get of all human freedoms. And as every other idea in our world, money can be named "good" or "Bad". And it's not "good", it's not "bad", it just IS.

    29. someone please define SIN for me!!!Okay i will since some people seem to think its this word describes something unreversable and damming.Too "sin" is to mis the mark.Thats for anything in yr life.Poor is a state of mind .Rich is a state of mind.Pride comes in two forms one says i am too great for this @ the other says this is not for me I am too small.They are both equally wrong!!God looked at you and saw a KING in all his/her glory and then put you at the beginning .

      1.  @blair_dean wikipedia explains: Sin is an act that violates God´s will.  :))
        I love the last sentence you offered to us :))  TRUE.

    30. someone please define SIN for me!!!Okay i will since some people seem to think its this word describes something unreversable and damming.Too "sin" is to mis the mark.Thats for anything in yr life.Poor is a state of mind .Rich is a state of mind.Pride comes in two forms one says i am too great for this @ the other says this is not for me I am too small.They are both equally wrong!!God looked at you and saw a KING in all his/her glory and then put you at the beginning .

    31.  @blair_dean wikipedia explains: Sin is an act that violates God´s will.  :))
      I love the last sentence you offered to us :))  TRUE.

    32. That works too....just that there are billions of opinions on "Gods will"  I sin daily but i know i am still loved by the Universe (for me i call HIM Jesus) I move on and change as He rewards me openly!!!

    33. That works too....just that there are billions of opinions on "Gods will"  I sin daily but i know i am still loved by the Universe (for me i call HIM Jesus) I move on and change as He rewards me openly!!!

    34. This is very true and helpful! To those saying poverty is not a sin, it IS!  He  isnt judging poor people but thier choice of being poor  because it doesnt help the world! and it IS a choice! We can all be rich! we all deserve to be rich and enjoy money and share! We all have gifts and talents and we are all blessed. I dont think money is energy though. I can create and feel positive and negative energy. Money is a material thing but it IS Gods hand in action. We love thru money, help thru money, show support thru money. Poverty is a sin because its a state of being that brings darkness on oneself and on others. If you can bless someone and you dont, isnt that a sin? Poverty is giving in, I hate it! I have experience financial struggle and I hate it. I would love to buy jimmy choos and go to Paris. Money can make that happen! Money can make alot of things happen. In my next life Im gonna be born a millionare! maybe that can happen in this life, wont be born in it but we'll see...

    35. This is very true and helpful! To those saying poverty is not a sin, it IS!  He  isnt judging poor people but thier choice of being poor  because it doesnt help the world! and it IS a choice! We can all be rich! we all deserve to be rich and enjoy money and share! We all have gifts and talents and we are all blessed. I dont think money is energy though. I can create and feel positive and negative energy. Money is a material thing but it IS Gods hand in action. We love thru money, help thru money, show support thru money. Poverty is a sin because its a state of being that brings darkness on oneself and on others. If you can bless someone and you dont, isnt that a sin? Poverty is giving in, I hate it! I have experience financial struggle and I hate it. I would love to buy jimmy choos and go to Paris. Money can make that happen! Money can make alot of things happen. In my next life Im gonna be born a millionare! maybe that can happen in this life, wont be born in it but we'll see...

    36. Oh I forgot to thing about money and why it is holy. It has Gods name on it! on ALL money it says " IN GOD WE TRUST" I think that means God wants us to NEVER worry about $! Thats why he put that message on money for us to see! He knew there might be confusion but the message is clear! IN GOD WE TRUST!!!

    37. Oh I forgot to thing about money and why it is holy. It has Gods name on it! on ALL money it says " IN GOD WE TRUST" I think that means God wants us to NEVER worry about $! Thats why he put that message on money for us to see! He knew there might be confusion but the message is clear! IN GOD WE TRUST!!!

    38. I love your post, Randy, as always! To me, MONEY is a means of exchange, but unfortunately, most people I encounter see it as something that cannot be touched and sometimes not even spoken of = Mind viruses... Because if lack of money is a sin, then the ABUNDANCE of MONEY is something to REJOICE on, for it is a TRUE BLESSING!  I believe in your Laws of Circulation, Vacuum and all your Prosperity TV shows.

    39. I love your post, Randy, as always! To me, MONEY is a means of exchange, but unfortunately, most people I encounter see it as something that cannot be touched and sometimes not even spoken of = Mind viruses... Because if lack of money is a sin, then the ABUNDANCE of MONEY is something to REJOICE on, for it is a TRUE BLESSING!  I believe in your Laws of Circulation, Vacuum and all your Prosperity TV shows.

      1.  @Joe Lee  yeah because Justin Beiber adds ALOT of value to the world and teachers, nurses and aids and cancer researchers clearly dont!

        1.  @glamdancedoll You have a set of definition on the word "value". To you Justin Bieber is not adding any value but rich. From his perspective, he is adding value to the world. Just not the way you see value as.

          1.  @Joe Lee No Im pretty sure Justin Beiber KNOWS he has lucked out. I disagree with you. Money is not a by product of value we put in the world, otherwise single mothers would be millionares. but you go ahead and think what you want. I just thinks you are wrong.

    40.  @Joe Lee  yeah because Justin Beiber adds ALOT of value to the world and teachers, nurses and aids and cancer researchers clearly dont!

    41.  @glamdancedoll You have a set of definition on the word "value". To you Justin Bieber is not adding any value but rich. From his perspective, he is adding value to the world. Just not the way you see value as.

    42.  @Joe Lee No Im pretty sure Justin Beiber KNOWS he has lucked out. I disagree with you. Money is not a by product of value we put in the world, otherwise single mothers would be millionares. but you go ahead and think what you want. I just thinks you are wrong.

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