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Free to Soar

Posted By: Randy GageJune 1, 2012

You live in the greatest time in human history.  You are free to do almost anything.  And you are certainly free to live an Epic life!

So what’s holding you back?

BREAKING:  No, it’s not the economy, your boss, your spouse, your education, or what side of the tracks you were born on.  The only thing that can really hold you back is you.

You are free to soar.  Free to be amazing.  Free to be Epic!

Please.  Go for it.

Now I’m heading to the airport.  I’ll fly nine hours overnight to Buenos Aires tonight, hit the gym, have breakfast, do two speeches, take a nap, and then fly nine hours back to Miami so I can play three softball games on Sunday.  My idea of an Epic weekend!

- RG

51 comments on “Free to Soar”

  1. Skydiving tomorrow and Sunday, Marbella on Monday for a drive around the mountains with the classic car club, Tuesday to Madrid to meet Tom Woods and hear him give a talk on free markets, Wednesday - Sat kitesurfing course in Tarifa, then off to London for a few days for some shopping in Harrods and see the sites, followed by a trip to Romania to give a talk to 200 people. Free as a Bird 🙂 
    Btw Loving your prosperity video series, just bought it. 10 out of 10 as usual from you Randy. Highly recommend it to everyone. Would be 12 out of 10 if it had an audio version for the ipod though. Maybe that will follow sometime? 

  2. Skydiving tomorrow and Sunday, Marbella on Monday for a drive around the mountains with the classic car club, Tuesday to Madrid to meet Tom Woods and hear him give a talk on free markets, Wednesday - Sat kitesurfing course in Tarifa, then off to London for a few days for some shopping in Harrods and see the sites, followed by a trip to Romania to give a talk to 200 people. Free as a Bird 🙂 
    Btw Loving your prosperity video series, just bought it. 10 out of 10 as usual from you Randy. Highly recommend it to everyone. Would be 12 out of 10 if it had an audio version for the ipod though. Maybe that will follow sometime? 

  3. Safe travels!  I'm stuck at home this weekend in Hawai'i, sailing the beer can race this evening on a 45' and getting in the ocean between follow-ups.  Looking forward to meeting you in Orlando in October and later at the MLM Mastermind in November -- aloha!

  4. Safe travels!  I'm stuck at home this weekend in Hawai'i, sailing the beer can race this evening on a 45' and getting in the ocean between follow-ups.  Looking forward to meeting you in Orlando in October and later at the MLM Mastermind in November -- aloha!

  5. Working out with the Love of my life first thing in the morning, Celebrating a friend's 70th birthday tomorrow afternoon; Jazz concert tomorrow night.  Great time of Praise and Worship on SUnday morning,  Sunday afternoon joining a 1 year celebration of a friends successful business.  My travels do not cover the miles but i love my life!  Randy have  safe flights and great stories to share about your speeches, games  strangers that you meet along the way that help to enhance your Epic weekend.

  6. Working out with the Love of my life first thing in the morning, Celebrating a friend's 70th birthday tomorrow afternoon; Jazz concert tomorrow night.  Great time of Praise and Worship on SUnday morning,  Sunday afternoon joining a 1 year celebration of a friends successful business.  My travels do not cover the miles but i love my life!  Randy have  safe flights and great stories to share about your speeches, games  strangers that you meet along the way that help to enhance your Epic weekend.

  7. Now that IS epic Randy.. Am looking forward to keeping a similar schedule myself, sans the softball in FL (sorry but I LOVE it here in San Francisco) home of the soon to be NFL champs! Travel safe!

  8. Now that IS epic Randy.. Am looking forward to keeping a similar schedule myself, sans the softball in FL (sorry but I LOVE it here in San Francisco) home of the soon to be NFL champs! Travel safe!

  9. Your life is epic my friend. I notice in myself the tendency to wait for things to feel right before I take action. I need to go back to my old motto of "Just Do It!" Have fun in Buenos Aires.

  10. Your life is epic my friend. I notice in myself the tendency to wait for things to feel right before I take action. I need to go back to my old motto of "Just Do It!" Have fun in Buenos Aires.

  11. going to the finals of the b division..after another epic comeback in the last inning!!!I can't explain it but i always get calls for jobs while playing ball tournaments !!!Booom

  12. going to the finals of the b division..after another epic comeback in the last inning!!!I can't explain it but i always get calls for jobs while playing ball tournaments !!!Booom

  13. I am finally stopping from holding myself back, I AM GOING FOR IT," a coward dies a thousand deaths but a hero dies only but once " Thank you Randy there is power in your words.

  14. I am finally stopping from holding myself back, I AM GOING FOR IT," a coward dies a thousand deaths but a hero dies only but once " Thank you Randy there is power in your words.

  15. Hmmmm......  I just read your facebook post about Government.  Yuck.  I suppose if your a white man with  adequate physical and intellectual skills their is very little to hold you back.  However, if you are something other than that, some of your freedoms are only ostensible. 
    Your liberal views on government are negative.  Your view on government is intolerant to a large percent of the population. 
    Government does help some to prosper, I have seen it.  The next time you find  yourself something other than a European American Male, perhaps you too will have a different view.  And, NO, I am not saying only white  men can thrive, they are too stupid to be able to do that without us women. 🙂  But, seriously there is nothing that these other populations can't achieve that men can, it is just that it could be a bit more challenging.  Ever had anyone call you honey or sugar at work simply to put you in your place?  Ever been regarded as thug because of the color of your skin?
    Racism and sexism are real, and without Government intervention many of these kinds of oppressions may have been harder to eradicate. 
    Sometimes freedom is knowing that there are situations were we do not have the freedoms we wish we had.  This concept is called "morality".
    Okay, I am off my soap box.  It is important when going for a dream to remember you are the person to make them happen.    🙂

    1.  @Annieb   I realize your philosophy believes in a nanny state to provide for all, but that simply doesn't work.  Your assumption that I succeeded because I'm a white European American male is baseless and even insulting.  To think a poor, high school dropout with social anxiety disorders, with a record of addiction and jail was somehow given favorable treatment or had an unfair advantage is ludicrous.  There were no schools offering me scholarships, no companies recruiting me.  Like much of the world, I played a victim for a long time.  It is only when I took responsibility for my own success that things changed for me.  As they can for anyone else.  - RG

      1.  @Randy_GageWhoa.  That is not what I said Randy.  I know and you know that is not the only reason you succeeded.  It could be one of the reasons and not even the biggest one.  Obviously you are very intelligent and talented, and Determined.  You are kinda playing victim right now in my opinion, really read what I am saying Randy, not what you want me to be saying.  If I were saying what you are saying I am saying, I would be dead wrong.  You Know what I'm saying? 🙂  Anyway, what I am really saying is harder to argue.  Not, that it can't be, but it is a more complex issue.
        That is not what I am saying it is more complex.  AND more true.  Hope you have a good time writing.

        1.  @Annieb For what it's worth, as I see your original comments, they scream of victim-hood and making excuses for failure, instead of accepting personal responsibility.  - RG

        2.  @Randy_Gage No, they scream of justice.  Justice for those who have been truly victimized.  For those who need assistance, before they can be responsible for themselves.
          That is not a Nanny State, that is being realistic.  Some people need help all the time, some need help some of the time.  We are individuals and part of a society.

        3.  @Randy_Gage When you say making excuses for failure and not excepting personal responsibility, what part of my statement are you referring to?  I don't see my stance as making excuses for failure. 
          I don't see myself or others I refer to who need help as failures.  That is  a mind virus that I do not possess.  In fact, I would say we are all heroes.  Sometimes to find the hero inside a person needs someone else to help them first.
          Yes, people abuse the welfare system and it is not perfect.  But, it keeps many people alive who may otherwise parish.  Why does that matter?  Because we are all part of whole.
          Yes, I agree people are happier and healthier when they are taking personal responsibility and are independent.  That is what Government should be helping them to do.  That would best benefit our society, if more people were independent and able to care for themselves.   But, before this can happen, the reality is many people in our society need help to get there, lots of help. 
          Where you and I differ is that you believe less help will make them independent and personally responsible.  I feel more help will make them stronger and independent.
          There are real victims.  The word victim is in our lexicon for a reason Randy.  Some victimization is real.  It needs to be addressed.
          My views on the government do not have anything to do with my personal issues, or my successes or failures.  IT IS about my morality, and how I view others.
          Randy, I am sorry for all of your troubles you had in the past.  And I am proud of you for your amazing recovery.  That is really brilliant.  You are a true original.

      2.  @Randy_Gage I was raised by abusive people who are very left wing.I am a community college dropout, which in the eyes of a lot of people is no different than a high school dropout.I've dealt with a lot of problems myself, in fact I am dealing with some right now, but I know a lot of them are because I decided to remain a victim for so long and focused too much on what other people would think.I am honestly disgusted that such a negative belief exists across society that the only way to succeed in life is to have a college education. While I certainly think college can be beneficial if used in the right way, and if people get a degree for the enrichment of themselves, rather than to just "get a good job",  turning it into a blip on a resume diminishes its value.With all of the unemployed or underemployed college grads in their 20s and 30s living with mom and dad or roommates, I consider this to be unacceptable and the apathy in our society upsets me, so I'll have to set an example. While the gatekeepers are always going to want someone to have credentials, there are a lot of people you can build trust with and connect with, and who care more about what you can deliver and your character than some piece of paper.It is work, but outside of the play-by-the-rules folks, who clearly lack a prosperity consciousness, most people are willing to at the very least talk to you, if not help you.No schools will ever offer me a scholarship as I had a lot of problems and was a poor student; no companies will recruit me because I was not an academic superstar;and I wouldn't fit into a lot of  authoritarian play-by-the-rules corporate cultures which attract many academic superstars anyway. No one is going to give me a good job, especially without a degree or pedigree or it would be in a dangerous blue collar field, which is something I am not willing to submit myself to. Honestly, I don't want a good job, because a good job can be downsized/outsourced at the whims of your boss or changes in the marketplace. Your education and experience matter very little when this happens, and may even be detrimental. It's far easier to outsource to India or hire some kid who just graduated and pay them "entry level".My generation isn't going to get retirement packages and not likely have social security either, and you can't discharge your student debt in bankruptcy any more.I want a good life, which is scary, has no real instruction manual, and does require of lot of discipline, self-esteem, good beliefs, great people, constant experimentation, connecting with others, and finding solutions.I want to be happy living where I want to live, doing what I want to do, and not be tied down to supporting someone else's dream by selling what little time I have for money. The clincher is, if you can find ways to align your dreams with other people, or at least inspire them, you do not have to go it alone or leave everything up to chance, hard work for the sake of hard work, going to the right schools,etc.I won't go back to college unless it's to study something I really love, (which is music, and the technology which makes modern music production possible) due to the time and money involved, but I do value education in all shapes and forms.Anything which you learn which enriches your life is education. 

  16. Hmmmm......  I just read your facebook post about Government.  Yuck.  I suppose if your a white man with  adequate physical and intellectual skills their is very little to hold you back.  However, if you are something other than that, some of your freedoms are only ostensible. 
    Your liberal views on government are negative.  Your view on government is intolerant to a large percent of the population. 
    Government does help some to prosper, I have seen it.  The next time you find  yourself something other than a European American Male, perhaps you too will have a different view.  And, NO, I am not saying only white  men can thrive, they are too stupid to be able to do that without us women. 🙂  But, seriously there is nothing that these other populations can't achieve that men can, it is just that it could be a bit more challenging.  Ever had anyone call you honey or sugar at work simply to put you in your place?  Ever been regarded as thug because of the color of your skin?
    Racism and sexism are real, and without Government intervention many of these kinds of oppressions may have been harder to eradicate. 
    Sometimes freedom is knowing that there are situations were we do not have the freedoms we wish we had.  This concept is called "morality".
    Okay, I am off my soap box.  It is important when going for a dream to remember you are the person to make them happen.    🙂

  17. I love your views. I love how you generate the conversation about whatever you focus on expands.. What a pure positive and lovely, fresh experience to read your posts.

  18. I love your views. I love how you generate the conversation about whatever you focus on expands.. What a pure positive and lovely, fresh experience to read your posts.

  19.  @Annieb   I realize your philosophy believes in a nanny state to provide for all, but that simply doesn't work.  Your assumption that I succeeded because I'm a white European American male is baseless and even insulting.  To think a poor, high school dropout with social anxiety disorders, with a record of addiction and jail was somehow given favorable treatment or had an unfair advantage is ludicrous.  There were no schools offering me scholarships, no companies recruiting me.  Like much of the world, I played a victim for a long time.  It is only when I took responsibility for my own success that things changed for me.  As they can for anyone else.  - RG

  20.  @Randy_GageWhoa.  That is not what I said Randy.  I know and you know that is not the only reason you succeeded.  It could be one of the reasons and not even the biggest one.  Obviously you are very intelligent and talented, and Determined.  You are kinda playing victim right now in my opinion, really read what I am saying Randy, not what you want me to be saying.  If I were saying what you are saying I am saying, I would be dead wrong.  You Know what I'm saying? 🙂  Anyway, what I am really saying is harder to argue.  Not, that it can't be, but it is a more complex issue.
    That is not what I am saying it is more complex.  AND more true.  Hope you have a good time writing.

  21.  @Annieb For what it's worth, as I see your original comments, they scream of victim-hood and making excuses for failure, instead of accepting personal responsibility.  - RG

  22.  @Randy_Gage No, they scream of justice.  Justice for those who have been truly victimized.  For those who need assistance, before they can be responsible for themselves.
    That is not a Nanny State, that is being realistic.  Some people need help all the time, some need help some of the time.  We are individuals and part of a society.

  23.  @Randy_Gage When you say making excuses for failure and not excepting personal responsibility, what part of my statement are you referring to?  I don't see my stance as making excuses for failure. 
    I don't see myself or others I refer to who need help as failures.  That is  a mind virus that I do not possess.  In fact, I would say we are all heroes.  Sometimes to find the hero inside a person needs someone else to help them first.
    Yes, people abuse the welfare system and it is not perfect.  But, it keeps many people alive who may otherwise parish.  Why does that matter?  Because we are all part of whole.
    Yes, I agree people are happier and healthier when they are taking personal responsibility and are independent.  That is what Government should be helping them to do.  That would best benefit our society, if more people were independent and able to care for themselves.   But, before this can happen, the reality is many people in our society need help to get there, lots of help. 
    Where you and I differ is that you believe less help will make them independent and personally responsible.  I feel more help will make them stronger and independent.
    There are real victims.  The word victim is in our lexicon for a reason Randy.  Some victimization is real.  It needs to be addressed.
    My views on the government do not have anything to do with my personal issues, or my successes or failures.  IT IS about my morality, and how I view others.
    Randy, I am sorry for all of your troubles you had in the past.  And I am proud of you for your amazing recovery.  That is really brilliant.  You are a true original.

  24.  @Randy_Gage I was raised by abusive people who are very left wing.I am a community college dropout, which in the eyes of a lot of people is no different than a high school dropout.I've dealt with a lot of problems myself, in fact I am dealing with some right now, but I know a lot of them are because I decided to remain a victim for so long and focused too much on what other people would think.I am honestly disgusted that such a negative belief exists across society that the only way to succeed in life is to have a college education. While I certainly think college can be beneficial if used in the right way, and if people get a degree for the enrichment of themselves, rather than to just "get a good job",  turning it into a blip on a resume diminishes its value.With all of the unemployed or underemployed college grads in their 20s and 30s living with mom and dad or roommates, I consider this to be unacceptable and the apathy in our society upsets me, so I'll have to set an example. While the gatekeepers are always going to want someone to have credentials, there are a lot of people you can build trust with and connect with, and who care more about what you can deliver and your character than some piece of paper.It is work, but outside of the play-by-the-rules folks, who clearly lack a prosperity consciousness, most people are willing to at the very least talk to you, if not help you.No schools will ever offer me a scholarship as I had a lot of problems and was a poor student; no companies will recruit me because I was not an academic superstar;and I wouldn't fit into a lot of  authoritarian play-by-the-rules corporate cultures which attract many academic superstars anyway. No one is going to give me a good job, especially without a degree or pedigree or it would be in a dangerous blue collar field, which is something I am not willing to submit myself to. Honestly, I don't want a good job, because a good job can be downsized/outsourced at the whims of your boss or changes in the marketplace. Your education and experience matter very little when this happens, and may even be detrimental. It's far easier to outsource to India or hire some kid who just graduated and pay them "entry level".My generation isn't going to get retirement packages and not likely have social security either, and you can't discharge your student debt in bankruptcy any more.I want a good life, which is scary, has no real instruction manual, and does require of lot of discipline, self-esteem, good beliefs, great people, constant experimentation, connecting with others, and finding solutions.I want to be happy living where I want to live, doing what I want to do, and not be tied down to supporting someone else's dream by selling what little time I have for money. The clincher is, if you can find ways to align your dreams with other people, or at least inspire them, you do not have to go it alone or leave everything up to chance, hard work for the sake of hard work, going to the right schools,etc.I won't go back to college unless it's to study something I really love, (which is music, and the technology which makes modern music production possible) due to the time and money involved, but I do value education in all shapes and forms.Anything which you learn which enriches your life is education. 

  25. Now I know I am not alone in saying it as it Nigeria, there was a plane crash that killed all 153 pn board all due to the incompetences of some officials. Nigeria, a gifted nation in all ramifications - human, natural resources amongst others, but ruled by rulers who have no clue on how to govern. I despise excuses. I am focused on where am' bogging in spite of the many obstacles. Randy, am' glad I discovered you. It's a case of "the teacher appearing when the student is ready".

    I will be glad if you check me out over at

    God bless.

  26. Now I know I am not alone in saying it as it Nigeria, there was a plane crash that killed all 153 pn board all due to the incompetences of some officials. Nigeria, a gifted nation in all ramifications - human, natural resources amongst others, but ruled by rulers who have no clue on how to govern. I despise excuses. I am focused on where am' bogging in spite of the many obstacles. Randy, am' glad I discovered you. It's a case of "the teacher appearing when the student is ready".

    I will be glad if you check me out over at

    God bless.

  27.   Excellent post--I think your greatest strengh is helping people change their limiting mindset to a prosperity one.

  28.   Excellent post--I think your greatest strengh is helping people change their limiting mindset to a prosperity one.

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  • 51 comments on “Free to Soar”

    1. Skydiving tomorrow and Sunday, Marbella on Monday for a drive around the mountains with the classic car club, Tuesday to Madrid to meet Tom Woods and hear him give a talk on free markets, Wednesday - Sat kitesurfing course in Tarifa, then off to London for a few days for some shopping in Harrods and see the sites, followed by a trip to Romania to give a talk to 200 people. Free as a Bird 🙂 
      Btw Loving your prosperity video series, just bought it. 10 out of 10 as usual from you Randy. Highly recommend it to everyone. Would be 12 out of 10 if it had an audio version for the ipod though. Maybe that will follow sometime? 

    2. Skydiving tomorrow and Sunday, Marbella on Monday for a drive around the mountains with the classic car club, Tuesday to Madrid to meet Tom Woods and hear him give a talk on free markets, Wednesday - Sat kitesurfing course in Tarifa, then off to London for a few days for some shopping in Harrods and see the sites, followed by a trip to Romania to give a talk to 200 people. Free as a Bird 🙂 
      Btw Loving your prosperity video series, just bought it. 10 out of 10 as usual from you Randy. Highly recommend it to everyone. Would be 12 out of 10 if it had an audio version for the ipod though. Maybe that will follow sometime? 

    3. Safe travels!  I'm stuck at home this weekend in Hawai'i, sailing the beer can race this evening on a 45' and getting in the ocean between follow-ups.  Looking forward to meeting you in Orlando in October and later at the MLM Mastermind in November -- aloha!

    4. Safe travels!  I'm stuck at home this weekend in Hawai'i, sailing the beer can race this evening on a 45' and getting in the ocean between follow-ups.  Looking forward to meeting you in Orlando in October and later at the MLM Mastermind in November -- aloha!

    5. Working out with the Love of my life first thing in the morning, Celebrating a friend's 70th birthday tomorrow afternoon; Jazz concert tomorrow night.  Great time of Praise and Worship on SUnday morning,  Sunday afternoon joining a 1 year celebration of a friends successful business.  My travels do not cover the miles but i love my life!  Randy have  safe flights and great stories to share about your speeches, games  strangers that you meet along the way that help to enhance your Epic weekend.

    6. Working out with the Love of my life first thing in the morning, Celebrating a friend's 70th birthday tomorrow afternoon; Jazz concert tomorrow night.  Great time of Praise and Worship on SUnday morning,  Sunday afternoon joining a 1 year celebration of a friends successful business.  My travels do not cover the miles but i love my life!  Randy have  safe flights and great stories to share about your speeches, games  strangers that you meet along the way that help to enhance your Epic weekend.

    7. Now that IS epic Randy.. Am looking forward to keeping a similar schedule myself, sans the softball in FL (sorry but I LOVE it here in San Francisco) home of the soon to be NFL champs! Travel safe!

    8. Now that IS epic Randy.. Am looking forward to keeping a similar schedule myself, sans the softball in FL (sorry but I LOVE it here in San Francisco) home of the soon to be NFL champs! Travel safe!

    9. Your life is epic my friend. I notice in myself the tendency to wait for things to feel right before I take action. I need to go back to my old motto of "Just Do It!" Have fun in Buenos Aires.

    10. Your life is epic my friend. I notice in myself the tendency to wait for things to feel right before I take action. I need to go back to my old motto of "Just Do It!" Have fun in Buenos Aires.

    11. going to the finals of the b division..after another epic comeback in the last inning!!!I can't explain it but i always get calls for jobs while playing ball tournaments !!!Booom

    12. going to the finals of the b division..after another epic comeback in the last inning!!!I can't explain it but i always get calls for jobs while playing ball tournaments !!!Booom

    13. I am finally stopping from holding myself back, I AM GOING FOR IT," a coward dies a thousand deaths but a hero dies only but once " Thank you Randy there is power in your words.

    14. I am finally stopping from holding myself back, I AM GOING FOR IT," a coward dies a thousand deaths but a hero dies only but once " Thank you Randy there is power in your words.

    15. Hmmmm......  I just read your facebook post about Government.  Yuck.  I suppose if your a white man with  adequate physical and intellectual skills their is very little to hold you back.  However, if you are something other than that, some of your freedoms are only ostensible. 
      Your liberal views on government are negative.  Your view on government is intolerant to a large percent of the population. 
      Government does help some to prosper, I have seen it.  The next time you find  yourself something other than a European American Male, perhaps you too will have a different view.  And, NO, I am not saying only white  men can thrive, they are too stupid to be able to do that without us women. 🙂  But, seriously there is nothing that these other populations can't achieve that men can, it is just that it could be a bit more challenging.  Ever had anyone call you honey or sugar at work simply to put you in your place?  Ever been regarded as thug because of the color of your skin?
      Racism and sexism are real, and without Government intervention many of these kinds of oppressions may have been harder to eradicate. 
      Sometimes freedom is knowing that there are situations were we do not have the freedoms we wish we had.  This concept is called "morality".
      Okay, I am off my soap box.  It is important when going for a dream to remember you are the person to make them happen.    🙂

      1.  @Annieb   I realize your philosophy believes in a nanny state to provide for all, but that simply doesn't work.  Your assumption that I succeeded because I'm a white European American male is baseless and even insulting.  To think a poor, high school dropout with social anxiety disorders, with a record of addiction and jail was somehow given favorable treatment or had an unfair advantage is ludicrous.  There were no schools offering me scholarships, no companies recruiting me.  Like much of the world, I played a victim for a long time.  It is only when I took responsibility for my own success that things changed for me.  As they can for anyone else.  - RG

        1.  @Randy_GageWhoa.  That is not what I said Randy.  I know and you know that is not the only reason you succeeded.  It could be one of the reasons and not even the biggest one.  Obviously you are very intelligent and talented, and Determined.  You are kinda playing victim right now in my opinion, really read what I am saying Randy, not what you want me to be saying.  If I were saying what you are saying I am saying, I would be dead wrong.  You Know what I'm saying? 🙂  Anyway, what I am really saying is harder to argue.  Not, that it can't be, but it is a more complex issue.
          That is not what I am saying it is more complex.  AND more true.  Hope you have a good time writing.

          1.  @Annieb For what it's worth, as I see your original comments, they scream of victim-hood and making excuses for failure, instead of accepting personal responsibility.  - RG

          2.  @Randy_Gage No, they scream of justice.  Justice for those who have been truly victimized.  For those who need assistance, before they can be responsible for themselves.
            That is not a Nanny State, that is being realistic.  Some people need help all the time, some need help some of the time.  We are individuals and part of a society.

          3.  @Randy_Gage When you say making excuses for failure and not excepting personal responsibility, what part of my statement are you referring to?  I don't see my stance as making excuses for failure. 
            I don't see myself or others I refer to who need help as failures.  That is  a mind virus that I do not possess.  In fact, I would say we are all heroes.  Sometimes to find the hero inside a person needs someone else to help them first.
            Yes, people abuse the welfare system and it is not perfect.  But, it keeps many people alive who may otherwise parish.  Why does that matter?  Because we are all part of whole.
            Yes, I agree people are happier and healthier when they are taking personal responsibility and are independent.  That is what Government should be helping them to do.  That would best benefit our society, if more people were independent and able to care for themselves.   But, before this can happen, the reality is many people in our society need help to get there, lots of help. 
            Where you and I differ is that you believe less help will make them independent and personally responsible.  I feel more help will make them stronger and independent.
            There are real victims.  The word victim is in our lexicon for a reason Randy.  Some victimization is real.  It needs to be addressed.
            My views on the government do not have anything to do with my personal issues, or my successes or failures.  IT IS about my morality, and how I view others.
            Randy, I am sorry for all of your troubles you had in the past.  And I am proud of you for your amazing recovery.  That is really brilliant.  You are a true original.

        2.  @Randy_Gage I was raised by abusive people who are very left wing.I am a community college dropout, which in the eyes of a lot of people is no different than a high school dropout.I've dealt with a lot of problems myself, in fact I am dealing with some right now, but I know a lot of them are because I decided to remain a victim for so long and focused too much on what other people would think.I am honestly disgusted that such a negative belief exists across society that the only way to succeed in life is to have a college education. While I certainly think college can be beneficial if used in the right way, and if people get a degree for the enrichment of themselves, rather than to just "get a good job",  turning it into a blip on a resume diminishes its value.With all of the unemployed or underemployed college grads in their 20s and 30s living with mom and dad or roommates, I consider this to be unacceptable and the apathy in our society upsets me, so I'll have to set an example. While the gatekeepers are always going to want someone to have credentials, there are a lot of people you can build trust with and connect with, and who care more about what you can deliver and your character than some piece of paper.It is work, but outside of the play-by-the-rules folks, who clearly lack a prosperity consciousness, most people are willing to at the very least talk to you, if not help you.No schools will ever offer me a scholarship as I had a lot of problems and was a poor student; no companies will recruit me because I was not an academic superstar;and I wouldn't fit into a lot of  authoritarian play-by-the-rules corporate cultures which attract many academic superstars anyway. No one is going to give me a good job, especially without a degree or pedigree or it would be in a dangerous blue collar field, which is something I am not willing to submit myself to. Honestly, I don't want a good job, because a good job can be downsized/outsourced at the whims of your boss or changes in the marketplace. Your education and experience matter very little when this happens, and may even be detrimental. It's far easier to outsource to India or hire some kid who just graduated and pay them "entry level".My generation isn't going to get retirement packages and not likely have social security either, and you can't discharge your student debt in bankruptcy any more.I want a good life, which is scary, has no real instruction manual, and does require of lot of discipline, self-esteem, good beliefs, great people, constant experimentation, connecting with others, and finding solutions.I want to be happy living where I want to live, doing what I want to do, and not be tied down to supporting someone else's dream by selling what little time I have for money. The clincher is, if you can find ways to align your dreams with other people, or at least inspire them, you do not have to go it alone or leave everything up to chance, hard work for the sake of hard work, going to the right schools,etc.I won't go back to college unless it's to study something I really love, (which is music, and the technology which makes modern music production possible) due to the time and money involved, but I do value education in all shapes and forms.Anything which you learn which enriches your life is education. 

    16. Hmmmm......  I just read your facebook post about Government.  Yuck.  I suppose if your a white man with  adequate physical and intellectual skills their is very little to hold you back.  However, if you are something other than that, some of your freedoms are only ostensible. 
      Your liberal views on government are negative.  Your view on government is intolerant to a large percent of the population. 
      Government does help some to prosper, I have seen it.  The next time you find  yourself something other than a European American Male, perhaps you too will have a different view.  And, NO, I am not saying only white  men can thrive, they are too stupid to be able to do that without us women. 🙂  But, seriously there is nothing that these other populations can't achieve that men can, it is just that it could be a bit more challenging.  Ever had anyone call you honey or sugar at work simply to put you in your place?  Ever been regarded as thug because of the color of your skin?
      Racism and sexism are real, and without Government intervention many of these kinds of oppressions may have been harder to eradicate. 
      Sometimes freedom is knowing that there are situations were we do not have the freedoms we wish we had.  This concept is called "morality".
      Okay, I am off my soap box.  It is important when going for a dream to remember you are the person to make them happen.    🙂

    17. I love your views. I love how you generate the conversation about whatever you focus on expands.. What a pure positive and lovely, fresh experience to read your posts.

    18. I love your views. I love how you generate the conversation about whatever you focus on expands.. What a pure positive and lovely, fresh experience to read your posts.

    19.  @Annieb   I realize your philosophy believes in a nanny state to provide for all, but that simply doesn't work.  Your assumption that I succeeded because I'm a white European American male is baseless and even insulting.  To think a poor, high school dropout with social anxiety disorders, with a record of addiction and jail was somehow given favorable treatment or had an unfair advantage is ludicrous.  There were no schools offering me scholarships, no companies recruiting me.  Like much of the world, I played a victim for a long time.  It is only when I took responsibility for my own success that things changed for me.  As they can for anyone else.  - RG

    20.  @Randy_GageWhoa.  That is not what I said Randy.  I know and you know that is not the only reason you succeeded.  It could be one of the reasons and not even the biggest one.  Obviously you are very intelligent and talented, and Determined.  You are kinda playing victim right now in my opinion, really read what I am saying Randy, not what you want me to be saying.  If I were saying what you are saying I am saying, I would be dead wrong.  You Know what I'm saying? 🙂  Anyway, what I am really saying is harder to argue.  Not, that it can't be, but it is a more complex issue.
      That is not what I am saying it is more complex.  AND more true.  Hope you have a good time writing.

    21.  @Annieb For what it's worth, as I see your original comments, they scream of victim-hood and making excuses for failure, instead of accepting personal responsibility.  - RG

    22.  @Randy_Gage No, they scream of justice.  Justice for those who have been truly victimized.  For those who need assistance, before they can be responsible for themselves.
      That is not a Nanny State, that is being realistic.  Some people need help all the time, some need help some of the time.  We are individuals and part of a society.

    23.  @Randy_Gage When you say making excuses for failure and not excepting personal responsibility, what part of my statement are you referring to?  I don't see my stance as making excuses for failure. 
      I don't see myself or others I refer to who need help as failures.  That is  a mind virus that I do not possess.  In fact, I would say we are all heroes.  Sometimes to find the hero inside a person needs someone else to help them first.
      Yes, people abuse the welfare system and it is not perfect.  But, it keeps many people alive who may otherwise parish.  Why does that matter?  Because we are all part of whole.
      Yes, I agree people are happier and healthier when they are taking personal responsibility and are independent.  That is what Government should be helping them to do.  That would best benefit our society, if more people were independent and able to care for themselves.   But, before this can happen, the reality is many people in our society need help to get there, lots of help. 
      Where you and I differ is that you believe less help will make them independent and personally responsible.  I feel more help will make them stronger and independent.
      There are real victims.  The word victim is in our lexicon for a reason Randy.  Some victimization is real.  It needs to be addressed.
      My views on the government do not have anything to do with my personal issues, or my successes or failures.  IT IS about my morality, and how I view others.
      Randy, I am sorry for all of your troubles you had in the past.  And I am proud of you for your amazing recovery.  That is really brilliant.  You are a true original.

    24.  @Randy_Gage I was raised by abusive people who are very left wing.I am a community college dropout, which in the eyes of a lot of people is no different than a high school dropout.I've dealt with a lot of problems myself, in fact I am dealing with some right now, but I know a lot of them are because I decided to remain a victim for so long and focused too much on what other people would think.I am honestly disgusted that such a negative belief exists across society that the only way to succeed in life is to have a college education. While I certainly think college can be beneficial if used in the right way, and if people get a degree for the enrichment of themselves, rather than to just "get a good job",  turning it into a blip on a resume diminishes its value.With all of the unemployed or underemployed college grads in their 20s and 30s living with mom and dad or roommates, I consider this to be unacceptable and the apathy in our society upsets me, so I'll have to set an example. While the gatekeepers are always going to want someone to have credentials, there are a lot of people you can build trust with and connect with, and who care more about what you can deliver and your character than some piece of paper.It is work, but outside of the play-by-the-rules folks, who clearly lack a prosperity consciousness, most people are willing to at the very least talk to you, if not help you.No schools will ever offer me a scholarship as I had a lot of problems and was a poor student; no companies will recruit me because I was not an academic superstar;and I wouldn't fit into a lot of  authoritarian play-by-the-rules corporate cultures which attract many academic superstars anyway. No one is going to give me a good job, especially without a degree or pedigree or it would be in a dangerous blue collar field, which is something I am not willing to submit myself to. Honestly, I don't want a good job, because a good job can be downsized/outsourced at the whims of your boss or changes in the marketplace. Your education and experience matter very little when this happens, and may even be detrimental. It's far easier to outsource to India or hire some kid who just graduated and pay them "entry level".My generation isn't going to get retirement packages and not likely have social security either, and you can't discharge your student debt in bankruptcy any more.I want a good life, which is scary, has no real instruction manual, and does require of lot of discipline, self-esteem, good beliefs, great people, constant experimentation, connecting with others, and finding solutions.I want to be happy living where I want to live, doing what I want to do, and not be tied down to supporting someone else's dream by selling what little time I have for money. The clincher is, if you can find ways to align your dreams with other people, or at least inspire them, you do not have to go it alone or leave everything up to chance, hard work for the sake of hard work, going to the right schools,etc.I won't go back to college unless it's to study something I really love, (which is music, and the technology which makes modern music production possible) due to the time and money involved, but I do value education in all shapes and forms.Anything which you learn which enriches your life is education. 

    25. Now I know I am not alone in saying it as it Nigeria, there was a plane crash that killed all 153 pn board all due to the incompetences of some officials. Nigeria, a gifted nation in all ramifications - human, natural resources amongst others, but ruled by rulers who have no clue on how to govern. I despise excuses. I am focused on where am' bogging in spite of the many obstacles. Randy, am' glad I discovered you. It's a case of "the teacher appearing when the student is ready".

      I will be glad if you check me out over at

      God bless.

    26. Now I know I am not alone in saying it as it Nigeria, there was a plane crash that killed all 153 pn board all due to the incompetences of some officials. Nigeria, a gifted nation in all ramifications - human, natural resources amongst others, but ruled by rulers who have no clue on how to govern. I despise excuses. I am focused on where am' bogging in spite of the many obstacles. Randy, am' glad I discovered you. It's a case of "the teacher appearing when the student is ready".

      I will be glad if you check me out over at

      God bless.

    27.   Excellent post--I think your greatest strengh is helping people change their limiting mindset to a prosperity one.

    28.   Excellent post--I think your greatest strengh is helping people change their limiting mindset to a prosperity one.

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