Media Releases
Millionaire Messiah Debunks Politics, Religion and Society as Impediments and Reveals How Prosperity Begins in the Mind
Oct 13, 2006, 16:54
Beware of family and friends. Don’t trust your rabbi, minister, or priest. Forget writing your congressperson. These and others are causing you to subconsciously wreck your marriage, get passed over for promotions, manifest illness or injury, sabotage your business, ingest substances that destroy your body, or do any one of a million other behaviors and actions that prevent you from reaching the health, happiness, and prosperity that are your birthright, says Randy Gage, the man who’s been dubbed “the Millionaire Messiah.”
In his new book, WHY YOU’RE DUMB, SICK, AND BROKE…AND HOW TO GET SMART, WELL, AND RICH (Wiley; $24.95 hardcover/$31.99 Canada; October 13, 2006), Gage, a popular speaker and success coach, shares his own story of triumph over a strangling web of negative beliefs and behaviors and offers a contrarian’s philosophy as well as game plan for defeating the negative beliefs in your own head and in the world at large working to keep you down. In this practical, yet inspirational book, Gage takes on the institutions that hold individuals back, revealing the worst in organized religion, dysfunctional families, and a culture of victim and entitlement mentality which continues to hijack so many lives, keeping people dumb, sick and broke.
Gage was a teenage alcoholic and drug addict. He went to jail for armed robbery when he was just fifteen. After straightening himself out, he successfully failed at no less than ten different business ventures and attracted eleven negative relationships in a row. According to Gage, it all culminated when he turned thirty and the IRS seized his business for nonpayment of taxes.
“I had no house, no car, no job, and was $55,000 in debt,” observes Gage. “I sold my furniture to pay the rent and ate macaroni and cheese three times a day. I finally had to ask myself the most important question: Was there one person who was always at the scene of the crime?” Cutting through the New Age mumbo-jumbo, Gage reveals how anyone can surmount the prosperity blocks, negative beliefs, and mind viruses that consume their thoughts and are manifested in sabotaging behaviors and real world failures.
“Metaphysically speaking, you already have the fulfillment of your prosperity,” observes Gage, “otherwise, you could not have desired it in the first place.” Noting that prosperity begins in the mind, Gage shares these seven keys to creating a mindset for a more rewarding life:
• Recognize and release victim and entitlement mentality. True prosperity is always a value-for-value exchange.
• Recognize and reject jealousy and envy mentality. Being jealous of someone else’s success is fear-based and blocks your own prosperity.
• Understand the infinite nature of prosperity. Like all forms of prosperity, money is infinite.
• Build your “sacred circle” of people who nurture and support your highest good.
• Seek out abundance environments and limit your time in lack surroundings.
• Practice a daily self-development program. Don’t go out of the house until you have a bullet-proof mindset for success and happiness.
• Know not just what you are moving away from – but also what you are moving toward.
WHY YOU’RE DUMB, SICK, AND BROKE…AND HOW TO GET SMART, WELL, AND RICH reveals the top ten reasons people stay dumb, sick, and broke and breaks down the three major components that combine to create the cycles that trap individuals into subconsciously accepting a victim mentality. Gage also shares the seven universal laws that he believes every individual must be in accord with in order to manifest prosperity in their world. He reveals how anyone can create a Prosperity Manifestation Map to literally program success goals into their subconscious mind, creating a desire within to take the daily actions that will make dreams a reality.
“To create a life of meaning, fulfillment, and prosperity you have to be open to questioning everything, especially deep-seated beliefs that you feel strongly about,” says Gage. “Stop hoping you’ll benefit from some whimsical, capricious act by God/Universe/Power.” Rather, individuals need to recognize the enormity of the human spirit, and the greatness we are all capable of if we’ll only use our minds.
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Randy Gage
$24.95 hardcover/$31.99 Canada
October 13, 2006
ISBN 978-0-470-04931-6; 208 pages
Business Self-Help
RANDY GAGE has been helping people transform self-limiting beliefs into self-fulfilling breakthroughs to achieve their dreams for more than 20 years. A preeminent expert on success and prosperity, Gage has touched millions through live programs in more than thirty countries, his online newsletters, and coaching programs ( His dynamic, compelling programs provide both the motivation and strategies to enable participants to live better, become healthier, and earn more.
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